Hi I am trying to get my maps working in yeti3d I created a map e1m1.c using Yeti3D Editor and replaced it with the exact same name the original e1m1.c but when I still got this error
: undefined reference to `e1m1'
make: *** [yeti.elf] Error 1
but when I compile it with original I get no errors.
/gcc-arm/bin/arm-thumb-elf-objcopy.exe -v -O binary yeti.elf yeti.gba
copy from yeti.elf(elf32-littlearm) to yeti.gba(binary)
/tools/win32/gbafix.exe yeti.gba -tyeti
ROM fixed!
/tools/win32/vba.exe yeti.gba
Any ideas how to fix it would be thankful!

: undefined reference to `e1m1'
make: *** [yeti.elf] Error 1
but when I compile it with original I get no errors.
/gcc-arm/bin/arm-thumb-elf-objcopy.exe -v -O binary yeti.elf yeti.gba
copy from yeti.elf(elf32-littlearm) to yeti.gba(binary)
/tools/win32/gbafix.exe yeti.gba -tyeti
ROM fixed!
/tools/win32/vba.exe yeti.gba
Any ideas how to fix it would be thankful!