Xgp... Revealed In December?


Jul 13, 2005
Visit site
There are some news about the XGP posted on www.gpzigi.com and when I did the awful Google translation I think that there was something about the XGP showed in December. Can anybody translate it be cause we haven't heard anything new about the XGP since August?
No one here cares about the XGP ;)
Well, I am here and I really care about it. I don't believe that it will even outsell Gizmondo but I do believe that if GP32 BLU had a 3D chipset and Gamepark have had more money to takie a few decent licences it would have superior quality to the N-Gage while released simultaneously with the QD. And the homebrew would have been at the same or a little lower level but the commercial success is the mos important thing for survival and don't tell me that the GP32 with its 30,000 units sold was pretty successful. I am looking forward to the XGP because I can't decide which handheld to buy if I have only seen the preformance and the porgress of the GP2X.
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No one here cares about the XGP ;)
Well, I am here and I really care about it. I don't believe that it will even outsell Gizmondo but I do believe that if GP32 BLU had a 3D chipset and Gamepark have had more money to takie a few decent licences it would have superior quality to the N-Gage while released simultaneously with the QD. And the homebrew would have been at the same or a little lower level but the commercial success is the mos important thing for survival and don't tell me that the GP32 with its 30,000 units sold was pretty successful. I am looking forward to the XGP because I can't decide which handheld to buy if I have only seen the preformance and the porgress of the GP2X.

If you want a 3D handheld with 3D games buy a PSP. It does HB too.
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No one here cares about the XGP ;)
Well, I am here and I really care about it. I don't believe that it will even outsell Gizmondo but I do believe that if GP32 BLU had a 3D chipset and Gamepark have had more money to takie a few decent licences it would have superior quality to the N-Gage while released simultaneously with the QD. And the homebrew would have been at the same or a little lower level but the commercial success is the mos important thing for survival and don't tell me that the GP32 with its 30,000 units sold was pretty successful. I am looking forward to the XGP because I can't decide which handheld to buy if I have only seen the preformance and the porgress of the GP2X.

If you want a 3D handheld with 3D games buy a PSP. It does HB too.
I care about the XGP, too. I might not buy it nor might anyone here but we don't know enough about it to tell people to get a PSP instead.
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I was trying to say that also and I might end up with XGP if it fulfills my expectations but if Gamepark wants homebrew for the XGP your example would be awful because Sony are constantly trying to stop it by firmware updates.
No one here cares about the XGP ;)
Well, I am here and I really care about it. I don't believe that it will even outsell Gizmondo but I do believe that if GP32 BLU had a 3D chipset and Gamepark have had more money to takie a few decent licences it would have superior quality to the N-Gage while released simultaneously with the QD. And the homebrew would have been at the same or a little lower level but the commercial success is the mos important thing for survival and don't tell me that the GP32 with its 30,000 units sold was pretty successful. I am looking forward to the XGP because I can't decide which handheld to buy if I have only seen the preformance and the porgress of the GP2X.

If you want a 3D handheld with 3D games buy a PSP. It does HB too.

part-time homebrew :blink:
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No one here cares about the XGP ;)
Well, I am here and I really care about it. I don't believe that it will even outsell Gizmondo but I do believe that if GP32 BLU had a 3D chipset and Gamepark have had more money to takie a few decent licences it would have superior quality to the N-Gage while released simultaneously with the QD. And the homebrew would have been at the same or a little lower level but the commercial success is the mos important thing for survival and don't tell me that the GP32 with its 30,000 units sold was pretty successful. I am looking forward to the XGP because I can't decide which handheld to buy if I have only seen the preformance and the porgress of the GP2X.

If you want a 3D handheld with 3D games buy a PSP. It does HB too.

part-time homebrew :blink:
Not even part time if you want to play any new games. Such as GTA.
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as good as the psp is at what it does, i'd never recommend it for homebrew thanks to the utterly shite d-pad :P
You can always upgrade, play, then downgrade. But pleh, after the crappy GTASA Ive went off the series... and the crappy PSP screen blur would make it a bit torture to play anyway. All I need on my PSP is Hot Shots Golf! If you want a 3D handheld get a DS ¬_¬ way better as far as games go -_-
i think the XGP will do GREAT...in korea,mebe , it will sell like the gizmondo or ngage everywhere else
as good as the psp is at what it does, i'd never recommend it for homebrew thanks to the utterly shite d-pad :P
Ya, thats the reason Im not getting one. It hurts my finger when I hit up.

You can always upgrade, play, then downgrade. But pleh, after the crappy GTASA Ive went off the series... and the crappy PSP screen blur would make it a bit torture to play anyway. All I need on my PSP is Hot Shots Golf! If you want a 3D handheld get a DS ¬_¬ way better as far as games go -_-
Wasn't it confirmed that the PSP Downgrader was actually a spoofed trojan that bricked the psp?
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You can always upgrade, play, then downgrade. But pleh, after the crappy GTASA Ive went off the series... and the crappy PSP screen blur would make it a bit torture to play anyway. All I need on my PSP is Hot Shots Golf! If you want a 3D handheld get a DS ¬_¬ way better as far as games go -_-
Wasn't it confirmed that the PSP Downgrader was actually a spoofed trojan that bricked the psp?
Afaik a real downgrader exists but you have to be very careful where you get it from.
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But pleh, after the crappy GTASA Ive went off the series...
Bit offtopic but, just wonder, did you play GTA SA beyond the first part, at least to the gang wars? I used to think it was crap, stopped playing, then I saw it at a friend's place who was further in the game... went back and played through the tedious bit and it turned out to be a great game if you just got through the tedious bit first.
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Bit offtopic but, just wonder, did you play GTA SA beyond the first part, at least to the gang wars? I used to think it was crap, stopped playing, then I saw it at a friend's place who was further in the game... went back and played through the tedious bit and it turned out to be a great game if you just got through the tedious bit first.

Yeah, but to most of us, Vice City was better from the start. ^_^

I mean, Vercetti had quite a bit of character. ;-)
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Honestly, if the XGP is not vaporware.... it won't sell at all. I don't see this going very mainstream. In fact i think it will fail.
But pleh, after the crappy GTASA Ive went off the series...
Bit offtopic but, just wonder, did you play GTA SA beyond the first part, at least to the gang wars? I used to think it was crap, stopped playing, then I saw it at a friend's place who was further in the game... went back and played through the tedious bit and it turned out to be a great game if you just got through the tedious bit first.
Yeah, its the characters. In a completely non rasist type of way, I HATE "ghetto" speak and all that stupid crap. VC was excellent because it was the more kind of, up market gangster with most of the cool godfather/scarface etc.. type characters, where as every character in SA was just rubbish.
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I'm not supposed to say this... but I'll say it anyway.

XGP is being redesigned from ground up at the moment, including the unit design itself. They are commissioning a professional designer to do the job, hopefully, right.
Also they're looking at 128 meg ram with 640X480 rez backlit screen to satisfy euro devs and users.

That's all I'm saying folks. Hopefully they won't notice me saying this.
