Xgp... Revealed In December?

I think right not the XGP is suffering from a huge black eye caused by it's last public showing. Not to mention the list of features and the only thing that seems usefull outside of korea is the 3D chip.

It's going to be a high priced peice of equipment and I dont feel like many people will see it as being worth the high price just to be able to play the 3 or 4 homebrew games a year that it MIGHT get if it were popular. For the price it will have to provide a lot of use to make up for the Korea only features (assuming they keep them).
Nah dude... the PSP dir pad really does suck :D
Agreed. Regardless of what anyone tries to say, I have trouble hitting the diags with it. I've said this before (but obviously my suggestion was ignored..), try playing Super Mario RPG for proof.

With that said, I never had a problem with the PSX/PS2 d-pad, so the PSP one must be different.
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as good as the psp is at what it does, i'd never recommend it for homebrew thanks to the utterly shite d-pad :P

There are better reasons I can think of than that..... like the "AttaxX of the Firmware Update: Part 3"

I mean a sequel is sometimes nice but you gotta know (as Pastor Richards would say) "Where the limits are".
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Nah dude... the PSP dir pad really does suck :D
Agreed. Regardless of what anyone tries to say, I have trouble hitting the diags with it. I've said this before (but obviously my suggestion was ignored..), try playing Super Mario RPG for proof.

With that said, I never had a problem with the PSX/PS2 d-pad, so the PSP one must be different.

Well alright then, that clears everything up... I haven't had the chance to play a PSP, so I wouldn't know. But it looks close enough that I didn't think it would make a difference. The only reason I got hostile is because junker started bitching about my posts. I wasn't trying to argue and say that the people who have trouble with the PSX D-pads are idiots; I was just trying to figure out exactly WHY they give anybody trouble. I still don't really see why, but if Iorgy says the PSP's is different and he has no trouble with the PSX's, then fine, I believe him. I still don't see how anybody could have trouble with a PSX D-pad though. It feels no different to me. The only D-pad I ever have "trouble" with is one that's like what junker posted a picture of. I usually end up hitting diagonals by accident with D-pads like that. I have a gravis gamepad pro that I use for emulation on my PC, and it's a bitch to put in the 30 lives code for contra with that thing.
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Well alright then, that clears everything up... I haven't had the chance to play a PSP, so I wouldn't know. But it looks close enough that I didn't think it would make a difference. The only reason I got hostile is because junker started bitching about my posts. I wasn't trying to argue and say that the people who have trouble with the PSX D-pads are idiots; I was just trying to figure out exactly WHY they give anybody trouble. I still don't really see why, but if Iorgy says the PSP's is different and he has no trouble with the PSX's, then fine, I believe him. I still don't see how anybody could have trouble with a PSX D-pad though. It feels no different to me. The only D-pad I ever have "trouble" with is one that's like what junker posted a picture of. I usually end up hitting diagonals by accident with D-pads like that. I have a gravis gamepad pro that I use for emulation on my PC, and it's a bitch to put in the 30 lives code for contra with that thing.
I was thinking about it, and it might actually have to do with the placement of the d-pad on the PSP compared to the PSX/PS2 controller. The PSX/PS2 have the d-pad placed very high on the controller, which makes your theory of laying your thumb and rolling it around the d-pad correct (which is certainly what I do).

But the PSP had the d-pad almost centrally located on the unit (so it's lower), and, since there are no handles to hold, it is also much closer to your palm. So your thumb kind of end up being directly above the PSP d-pad,which makes the whole rolling motion a good bit harder.

Yeah, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

Oh, and as of the XGP news, it's nice to see some competition. Maybe the XGP section of my site will actually be worthwhile afterall. :P
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After the redesignit GamePark are making it might become pretty nice console and almost certainly they will cut something down to lowerise the prics. I have heard that the XGP Value Pack (whatever this means?) will be a little bit cheaper than the PSP Value Pack so really if it is true it won't be that expensive at all.
Nah dude... the PSP dir pad really does suck :D
Agreed. Regardless of what anyone tries to say, I have trouble hitting the diags with it. I've said this before (but obviously my suggestion was ignored..), try playing Super Mario RPG for proof.

With that said, I never had a problem with the PSX/PS2 d-pad, so the PSP one must be different.

Well alright then, that clears everything up... I haven't had the chance to play a PSP, so I wouldn't know. But it looks close enough that I didn't think it would make a difference. The only reason I got hostile is because junker started bitching about my posts. I wasn't trying to argue and say that the people who have trouble with the PSX D-pads are idiots; I was just trying to figure out exactly WHY they give anybody trouble. I still don't really see why, but if Iorgy says the PSP's is different and he has no trouble with the PSX's, then fine, I believe him. I still don't see how anybody could have trouble with a PSX D-pad though. It feels no different to me. The only D-pad I ever have "trouble" with is one that's like what junker posted a picture of. I usually end up hitting diagonals by accident with D-pads like that. I have a gravis gamepad pro that I use for emulation on my PC, and it's a bitch to put in the 30 lives code for contra with that thing.

you know, sorry if my first comment was rude. i just hate the thing with a passion! i've given my opinion, but then there was the rubbish about the long-post-nothing thing. by the way, i think you hit diagonals by accident with those prove that they're better for diagonal play(easier)...ok ok, no more

xgp.. if it ends up with vga res lcd and better specs, then it may prove to be one nice handheld! unless it's expensive, it could compete with those high priced pmps that have 640x480 lcds.
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Yeah, I know it's "easier" to hit a diagonal with that kind of controller, but that's a bad thing because I don't always WANT a diagonal... and that doesn't mean that the PSX D-pad is hard to hit diagonals with, at least not for me.
I think it's fair to say we can reserve judgment on the XGP for the time being in light of the redesign... but still the design phylosophy behind the system just generally makes it feel like the Anti-GP32 which I think leads to it's general dissaproval.
Meh......it looks like a sports car combines with a swifel tablet PC combined with a waffle maker, and it'll probabaly be as expensive as one too..

but that would be cool...grab some waffles check your email and then drive on it.....

damn......im tired...
Sorry about re-posting this, but I really want everyone to recognize XGP and not pass judgment against it, till more details are released.

XGP will f*cking ROCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!111111111 XDXDXDXD
Wooooooooootttttage!!!!!1111111 :D :D :D :P
Well... What exactly makes you so sure that the XGP will "rock"? I'm not suggesting that it'll be bad, but as far as I know, it has no special features that the GP2X has that warrant me buying it, so I'm not really interested in it right now. I still wanna hear about it and find out what's going on with it just in case, though.
Sorry about re-posting this, but I really want everyone to recognize XGP and not pass judgment against it, till more details are released.

XGP will f*cking ROCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!111111111 XDXDXDXD
Wooooooooootttttage!!!!!1111111 :D :D :D :P
Isnt that what you are doing in this post by saying it will rock?? :blink:
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