WOW! new multyfw from AquaFish

sweet! exactly what iv been looking for. it has probs transfering files tho again :(.

It says: " The multi firmware v1.0 poses problem to transfer from the files, read its description for more details."

Google translation:Multi firmware skinnable, with the possibility of putting programs of the memory board in the boot selector, included pacrom, the bios européen(mais its pclink does not go, it is necessary to use that of pacrom), wind-ups 0.99et a tool allowing to format smc hs.
In the file also, GP boot conf for PC, which makes it possible to configure the boot selector easily.
The arkanoid is an example of being able to add soft to the boot menu.
Multi firmware skinnable, with the possibility of putting programs of
the memory board in the boot selector, included pacrom, the European
bios (but its pclink does not go, it is necessary to use that of
pacrom), wind-ups 0.99 and a tool allowing to also format smc hs. In the
file, GP boot conf for PC, which makes it possible to configure the
boot selector easily.
"mais its pclink does not go, it is necessary to use that of pacrom), "

does this mean that it will transfer files over 256KB through pacrom then?

:edit: sweet :edit:
dont think if you select pacrom, i have orignal bios tho, never had guts to change it.

can my gpcinema still work with it?
it has four slot's to and any fxe you like to the boot up screen.....
arkanoid was just an example...aquafish must have added it as one of his four...
i'm adding yafl...gpfm...mp3.fxe...(till yogg has a playlist editor)...and wingp....(pls finish guyfaulk's)....
how about you's.
I'll just make one that will start with the MP3-player (dedicated MP3-card), one that will start with the european firmware (for my GPCinema card) and one that will load Wind-Ups (emulation card)
MP3-player (dedicated MP3-card), one that will start with the european firmware (for my GPCinema card) and one that will load yafl (emulation,picture viewer and text reader file's)
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