WOW! new multyfw from AquaFish

apparently the bug of the pclink of the bios euro venai of the bios monitor of mr.spiv... I come from uploader a version without this bios monitor and whose pclink of the bios euro goes without problem!!!
thank you sanosuke for the idea, without you I will not have thought that the bug came from the bios monitor...
Translated Babelfish
Seems like it did... huh maybe it needs better optimization?
apparently the bug of the pclink of the bios euro venai of the bios monitor of mr.spiv... I come from uploader a version without this bios monitor and whose pclink of the bios euro goes without problem!!!
thank you sanosuke for the idea, without you I will not have thought that the bug came from the bios monitor...
Translated Babelfish
Seems like it did... huh maybe it needs better optimization?
Blaming biosmon is a wrong conclusion as it has absolutely nothing to do with the system until something crashes. If Aqua's previous firmwares took the whole BIOS part from multifw2, that BIOS then also included USB driver patches that made GP32 to work with OSX 10.2.1 -> 10.2.7. My bootmenu also did some USB stuff that I can't remember now.. Anyway I can now remove the USB patch since Apple updated their USB drivers (since 10.2.8 that I know of) to accept slightly broken device descriptors (i.e. GP32 is recognized again). ;)

Edit: so it is highly probable that the USB patch caused the "max 256K" phenomenon.. for some reason I have no answer.
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