Worlds First Pandora Artwork

SomeGuy99 said:
Also, the floating windows get in the way so I just move them till they're almost off screen (and use shift-stylus drag to bring them back).

Could you not set up a second workspace just for your canvas and toggle workspaces when you needed to access the tools and palette? That's what I'd do anyways.
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paint the look on steve jobs face when confronted with a pandora. (I expect numerous people to visualize "the scream" now :D)

And +1 for misspelling = meme, just because.

Edit: Schnapszahl-Post: 333
mindlord said:
SomeGuy99 said:
Also, the floating windows get in the way so I just move them till they're almost off screen (and use shift-stylus drag to bring them back).

Could you not set up a second workspace just for your canvas and toggle workspaces when you needed to access the tools and palette? That's what I'd do anyways.

I thought of this. Nah, it doesn't work for some reason (all the windows move together, and the little tool windows won't move out the work space alone). Must be an XFCE thing?
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kuru said:
paint the look on steve jobs face when confronted with a pandora. (I expect numerous people to visualize "the scream" now :D )

Request has been noted. Will get back to you B)
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SomeGuy99 said:
Gimp doesn't seem to work any better at 850, no. The program itself seems to run at a decent speed but it lags every second or two (which screws up your strokes. I don't know what causes it. Also, because Ed set it up as hold-to-right-click on the stylus, I keep bringing the menu up by accident. Also, the floating windows get in the way so I just move them till they're almost off screen (and use shift-stylus drag to bring them back).

Might be the Wifi. Try running Notaz's background_killer. If GIMP doesn't require anything that it turns off... it might make it run better.

Also - love the art! :D
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Kramy said:
SomeGuy99 said:
Gimp doesn't seem to work any better at 850, no. The program itself seems to run at a decent speed but it lags every second or two (which screws up your strokes. I don't know what causes it. Also, because Ed set it up as hold-to-right-click on the stylus, I keep bringing the menu up by accident. Also, the floating windows get in the way so I just move them till they're almost off screen (and use shift-stylus drag to bring them back).

Might be the Wifi. Try running Notaz's background_killer. If GIMP doesn't require anything that it turns off... it might make it run better.

Also - love the art! :D

Nice. Where'd you find that?

It seems to have helped, but the cursor/paintstroke still lags at 850. I guess it's just slow?

This version doesn't have any filters installed, or else I could have tested the peformance on that too.


Turned off mouse acceleration for the touchscreen (doh).

It seems to run pretty awesome! Slow in places mind you - Nowhere near as fast as my laptop running it.
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I found it buried really deep on page.... x... of some thread. :lol:

Luckily I saved the link. ;)

I didn't expect miracles, but it's good to hear it helps a bit!
kuru said:
paint the look on steve jobs face when confronted with a pandora. (I expect numerous people to visualize "the scream" now :D

I see a disinterested look of mild disgust that says "This is not the future I intend." He's Gothic Hi-tech (the living embodiment of it, really); the Pandora is a little more Favela Chic.
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Kicker said:
kuru said:
paint the look on steve jobs face when confronted with a pandora. (I expect numerous people to visualize "the scream" now :D

I see a disinterested look of mild disgust that says "This is not the future I intend." He's Gothic Hi-tech (the living embodiment of it, really); the Pandora is a little more Favela Chic.
Actually, if there's anyone in "the industry" that would "get" what the Pandora was about it, it would be Steve Jobs, and for that reason he would have a look of amusement but probably no actual worry. It's a different device with a different market that he has no fear of competing with. He may even give some encouraging remarks. Or he'll just comment that there are too many buttons :P
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There are really people that can handl Gimp and his gazillion loose Windows...even onto a pandora, respect! :)

I'm to stupid for Gimp so I have to use Photoshop onto my PC. But of course for the Pandora I want a much mor lighter program than PS or GIMP. Is there already one of these small "paint"-like programs ready for Pandora? Some interesting paint/pixel/gfx programs were mentioned here in the forums. ^^
more pix or the pandora is vaporware!! :D

well, of course you have to recreate this pic:


and that one:

Mr.Confuzed said:

Nice photo of the future. Thanks.

Will do a picture of mad Christmas Craig too (hat and all). I'll do that tommorow B)
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hey someguy,
I'm the author of a pandora painting program that's in beta (because I don't have a pandora :P ).
Would you be interested in testing it, and possibly working with me to get the pressure sensitivity working on the pandora?

It runs natively at 800x480, and its file format supports 'replaying' of the images just like Colors! DS does.

The transparencies are all jacked up right now but like I said, it's beta.

Anyway, PM me if you have some free time and you'd like to work with me to get it running. Or anyone else who has a Pandora right now and some free time and remembers my app demos a while back, you're also welcome to PM me.

I'll make a general release once I have my own unit but I thought it'd be cool to see it running before then (I'm about 800 in Craig's queue so it'll be a few weeks at least before I have mine.)
Some nice juicy, plump prawn would do nicely. Or, at least a mockup of the Pandora 2.

You're becoming needlessly sadistic and brutal Jobs.


Thank you App Store! So what did you need to see me about?


It's that Rothwell. He's being snooping around again. I can't have rogue mobile devices on the market! You know how many systems I've been into? How many patents I've stolen?


No, it's okay, they'll never release the Pandora.


Sir... um.... the Pandora has... um... it has launched already.


It's okay. Nobody will buy it. It has too many keys. We have 90,000 apps.


Uh.... my lord... I mean, uhm... the Pandora is a completely open system. It was made by a group of amatuers.


Anyone who has ever jailbroken please leave the room now.
