World Of Warcraft

I played the Beta version and was totally hooked as well. BadToad is right, the more you play it the better it gets, and its so huge you will never get bored and thats before any updates or expansions.

I would also like to mention a clever feature with the game that monitors how often you spend playing the game.

If you cant commit as much time to the game as others, the game will compensate and give you higher experience points so you dont fall behind your mates.
How well did that work? Are you better off playing it obsessively or in moderation then? I suspect I'll be doing the first.

it gives to the chance to play the game the way you want, if ya want to dedicate a lot of time then go for it.
But say for instance that you are twatting some murlocs that give you 150 Exp points for your level,
If you had not played for a couple of days those same Murlocs might give you 250 Exp points instead.

I have never been into this style of game before and its got me hooked,
theres even a danger i might not be playing the GP32 as often...perish the thought LOL
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Memnoch posted on Feb 10 2005 at 07:50 PM said:
How well did that work?  Are you better off playing it obsessively or in moderation then?  I suspect I'll be doing the first.

I think the idea is it helps you not fall behind. You'll still fall behind your mates if they play 30 hours a week in marathon sessions and you play 10 in 1 hour short bursts but you'll appreciate the extra hitpoints gained because you play 1 hour stints and rest at inns in (no pun intended) between sessions.

The thing I liked was the ability to log on for 30 minutes or an hour and still feel you had achieved something in that short space of time.
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i have wow :-)
since 9:30 waited with many other people in front of the stor, this was funny, imagine a big elektronik store completly filled with people buying wow, some even buyd 3 or more. evryone leaving teh sotre had wow, and there ware more comming :-)
Hmm, I notice that only a few of those players were in clans, which is odd.

I seem to recall in EQ the DMs regularly sent out monsters they thought would take ages to kill get destroyed in minutes. In one instance I believe a monster was sent out to kill a lot of stuff and was never meant to be killed, so he had an insanely high (but not limitless) HP. Hundreds (thousands?) of players gathered to kill it, but because he wasn't meant to be killed, he left little or not reward and I think 1 XP :( Was still amusing to have Sony's plot plans ruined.

I need to gauge how much free time I have... at my last LAN, one person spent the whole time playing FF11, another EQ2. I don't want to be so addicted that I forego all social activities for it!
So what servers are people going to be playing on? I've just got my copy and I missed the beta so I guess I should start on a PvE server to begin with and get to grips with the basics. I don't have any friends joining me in my venture so if anyone wants a "noob" friend on a PvE european server post your server/char names here!
If i can ever get my account sorted I will gladly join you for a few 'noob' outings, I have never played a MMORPG before so it will be a learning process for me. I'm gonna do a PvE to start with too.

It's taken me an nearly two hours to install the game. I kept getting installer is not responding messages when I had to insert disc 2. I finally had the sense to check for updates to my DVD drive and one quick flash later the game is installed. Now all I have to do is create my account. Arrrrgh the sites down! *cue lots of expletives*
Yeah same problem here :(

According to a friend who's been playing today people were saying that the account creation has been down since 10 o'clock this morning :(

Oh well. Probably get a few days glitches and then it'll smooth out if the beta is something to go by.
acount craation was up again at 11am (i had my account before 10am:-)). but the servers ware lagged (pings over 1000) till arround 3. now i have my lvl 14 nightelf hunter and iam happy :-) iam on the rp server "Circle des Zinarius" its a german server.
Well I managed to get my account set up this morning. Unfortunately I have work today so all I had time to do was create a character and spin around looking at the town before logging off. I've made a Dwarf hunter, although I suspect a warrior would have been best to learn the basics with first. I can't wait till I finish work. Four hours and counting!
Memnoch posted on Feb 12 2005 at 08:41 AM said:
Well I managed to get my account set up this morning. Unfortunately I have work today so all I had time to do was create a character and spin around looking at the town before logging off. I've made a Dwarf hunter, although I suspect a warrior would have been best to learn the basics with first. I can't wait till I finish work. Four hours and counting!
Can you not create another warrior character while you still have the chance (and haven't invested thousands of hours on a hunter)?
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Memnoch posted on Feb 12 2005 at 01:10 PM said:
That would be the wise thing to do I suppose. Four characters, eh? My wife will probably want two of those. Is that grounds for a divorce? Less than an hour till I get out of work!

You only work 4 hours a day, :blink: You lucky *cough* lazy *cough* thing you. :P

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Rico posted on Feb 11 2005 at 10:28 AM said:
Hmm, I notice that only a few of those players were in clans, which is odd.

I seem to recall in EQ the DMs regularly sent out monsters they thought would take ages to kill get destroyed in minutes. In one instance I believe a monster was sent out to kill a lot of stuff and was never meant to be killed, so he had an insanely high (but not limitless) HP. Hundreds (thousands?) of players gathered to kill it, but because he wasn't meant to be killed, he left little or not reward and I think 1 XP :( Was still amusing to have Sony's plot plans ruined.

I need to gauge how much free time I have... at my last LAN, one person spent the whole time playing FF11, another EQ2. I don't want to be so addicted that I forego all social activities for it!
Also I have to wait for my broadband connection ot be installed.
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