World of Warcraft


Still Fresh
May 3, 2016
I was looking for something not much bigger than my phone so that I can stealthily play World of Warcraft, and found nothing. I eventually went searching for hand held PCs and eventually found out about The Dragon Box Pyra and GPD Win which I'll have to wait for... I was wondering if it would be possible to run WoW on the Pyra.

I don't want to play any end-game raiding content, or PVP. All I want to do is chill in a area with some toons and more importantly, fish and collect resources.

Would it be possible to do this on the Pyra?
It supposedly has a platinum ranking in Wine so it MAY be possible in Exagear Desktop however don't expect things to be super fast given the processor and graphics requirements.
Vanilla WoW I'd suspect may be possibe, but all the graphics updates over the years may take it out of the realm of it being playable since it needs to emulate an x86 environment.

My experience with a Bay Trail Atom processor in my ASUS Transformer T200TA which has on paper a better Processor than what the GPD WIN will have, WoW was just barely playable even when everything was set to low and I had heavy stuttering in populated areas... Although I was only comparing Processing performance, it may just have better GPU capabilities as it's a newer SoC.
Yes, for WoW, the GPD Win is probably the better choice... well, except for the missing LTE modem, so you need some Wifi hotspot, but it's probably better playable than on the Pyra.
Aw that really sucks. I was really excited about the Pyra after everything I read today. I played WoW on my old NetBook using Wifi on a bus once and just like Trashy said, it was slow AF but I remember being able to do a few basic things.

I really want something smaller than a 10 inch notebook, with a build in keyboard, screen and a little mouse pad thingy but the only thing that was put out on the market which matches that description is no longer in production. I know the Surface Pro works, but its basically a big tablet, and the Kangaroo Plus would have even more acessories attached to it than the Surface Pro set up. Its not really the stealthiest set up...

I'll definately be checking the GPD Win as well as keeping track with the Pyra as it may satisfy one of my gaming needs in the future. (Its mainly online gaming though...)

Does anyone know of any other options I would have in Mini PC gaming products for WoW?


These guys think its a possibility that WoW is playable on GPD Win. So there is a possibilty that my wish will come true. :D
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If you have a PC nearby that can run the game you can have the highest performance possible on the available pixels. You incur a bit of lag sending control and video signals, but if you are just playing casually its ok.
if you have a good nvidia video card in a pc at home can use a nvidia shield tablet's game stream. i used to love wow myself and wanted to see it on the go, really wasn't bad. was running it on my gf's laptop and she runs it on max setting and look really nice streaming not much lag but due to lack of controls cant go out raiding but for fishing and such you shouldn't have a problem
I wouldn't recommend playing it directly on a GPD Win either, it should be possible via streaming on both devices in highest settings, I've got no experience in setting this up though.
Ingoreis streamed a PS2 emulator to the original Pandora back then, maybe you can ask him.
Is WoW THAT demanding? I thought it was pretty old, so shouldn't be needing the highest specs.
Is WoW THAT demanding? I thought it was pretty old, so shouldn't be needing the highest specs.
It had a lot of updates in the last couple of years, the graphics engine was pretty much completely redone multiple times. It's almost a different game nowadays. To my knowledge, there are even many fans who wanted to play the old version again but can't because Blizzard just wants to have the newest version out there and every update is mandatory - weird business decision in my opinion as they loose many customers that feel alienated to their beloved old game and/or can't play it anymore on their old hardware. And they send their horde of lawyers to anyone who tries to open an illegal server for older versions, eventhough they themselfes don't offer this service anymore and don't loose any money by it.

Blizzard has become a strange company...
Aah, so you can't use an older version to play, understood.

This conversation does bring up an interesting side of things though. To be able to take over your home gaming rig via a WiFi or 4G connection to 'monitor' more than 'play' PC games could be useful. It would likely need them to set up a DynDNS or similar for the home computer, protocols on both - but I could see that working.
Don't know how much data it will consume but I certainly won't care as I have a 8GB LTE data plan.

If I could stream or whatever my PC desktop (x2go?) to my Pyra it would be great.

Especially for turn based Games like "Warlock master of the Arcane" or Card Games it should not be a big issue.

How well does cloud computing work with 2 Linux machines?
Play the game on Pyra but let an other machine do the hard work and not stream the whole screen.
I've dome a quick research for LTE game streaming.
It's possible and for doing basic things it should be fine.

I definitely want to try it with my Pyra as I have an 8GB data plan waiting to be used with my Pyra :)

Mainly for Turn based strategy games like Warlock Master of the Arcane.

Here's a link that might interest you: Klick
And here's a (bad quality) Video: Klick