World Of Goo


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2004
Looks quite good fun, not sure if I like the style, though.
A port? Where's the source code? Edit: Scratch that, just noticed QUOTE
should get them on board
I like the graphical style, almost like a dark version of Loco Roco.

Could be a good game. If it was on Pandora, I'd give it a try.

EDIT: However, note the hardware requirements...

For the preview version (this may change for the final version) you need a 1GHz or faster CPU, at least 512MB of memory, Direct3D 9 or newer, and pretty much any old 3D graphics accelerator.
I'd buy that in an instant. Right up my alley, that.

If that'd be available around launch time of the pandora, I'd order both at the same time.
Hmm... dunno but I expect the graphic requirements to be lower on anything else than WinXP. After all a 1Ghz x86 with 512mb ram is pretty much the hardware requirement of WinXP alone :P

But yeah, could be problematic :(
Prophet said:
EDIT: However, note the hardware requirements...

For the preview version (this may change for the final version) you need a 1GHz or faster CPU, at least 512MB of memory, Direct3D 9 or newer, and pretty much any old 3D graphics accelerator.

World of Goo is also coming out on the wii. Which has much lower specs. 88mb or ram according to wiki. So there's still some hope.
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Julius said:
Hmm... dunno but I expect the graphic requirements to be lower on anything else than WinXP. After all a 1Ghz x86 with 512mb ram is pretty much the hardware requirement of WinXP alone :P
WinXP runs on 200Mhz and 32MB ram pcs
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efegea said:
WinXP runs on 200Mhz and 32MB ram pcs
If you mean by runs: "runs" (with emphasis on the quotation marks) then yes.

For anyone who doesn't want to wait half an hour for a window to load then no :P
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Also, I'd be very unsurprised if they've played it save and asked for reasonable system requirements for PC.

By which I mean, that if they ask for low PC requirements, then those buying the game in stores may see those requirements and, rather than concluding that the game is efficient, will think rather that it's not going to be doing as impressive things as a game that asked for something closer to their machine spec.

Psychologically, therefore, it makes sense to ask for a machine requirement that is in a reasonable ballpark for a modern computer. It just makes it really awkward to work out whether they would be able to port it to something like Pandora if they were even interested in doing so...
I guess it would be very likely that they are interested... they are a small indi studio after all (which supports many different platforms).

But I think it would be best if CraigiX or someone else from the official Pandora team would contact them (I would have done so myself already otherwise).
Julius said:
But I think it would be best if CraigiX or someone else from the official Pandora team would contact them
I think it would be best to wait until Pandora is finished so they can have something to port their game on ;)
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...Or they could try to shoot for at least one major launch title. Shouldn't be too difficult, I would guess: Tell them to scale it down as much as possible while programming for an ARM processor, send 'em a dev board when they're available. Iron out the kinks, find a suitable, secure method to distribute the game, Bam. You have a commercial game. I'd sure as hell buy it.
It probably wouldn't be easy because the physics and graphics are quite advanced but it should be possible. Would be a better game on a touchscreen, too. B) The important thing is to keep the physics compatible with PC and Wii so you can be on the same high score list.
I guess asking won't hurt. :)
Julius said:
efegea said:
WinXP runs on 200Mhz and 32MB ram pcs
If you mean by runs: "runs" (with emphasis on the quotation marks) then yes.

For anyone who doesn't want to wait half an hour for a window to load then no :P

XP can be modded. It runs better than Win95 on a 200mhz w/ 64MB of RAM, after lots of tweaks. Has a boot time around 40 secs, too. :lol:

But back on topic...that game's graphics remind me of lots of fun flash games that I've played. Since there's going to be a Linux-x86 port, a Linux-arm port might be feasible.
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