World Of Goo For Pandora!


Still Fresh
May 12, 2010
My post on the developer's forum: (,2829.0.html )

"As of the humble indie pack I have been thinking how good world of goo would be on the OpenPandora ( With the developers decision to not go opensource with the indie pack, it would be really cool if they provided a build for the pandora. It runs on a modified angstrom linux, opengl 2.0es and should be able to run the game easily (the only forseeable problem is its odd screen resolution - 800x480)" For those that dont know, a pack that you can pay whatever you want for 5 indie games. All of the games except world of goo have now been made open source so they could be built for the pandora :) But world of goo has not, and I thought if enough people requested it they might not dismiss it.
They're already aware of the Pandora and had shown some interest. They're worried that the Pandora might not have the floating point computation power required by World of Goo. The screen isn't the biggest hurdle, optimizing it for NEON is.
Huh, I did think about the physics, as they are pretty complicated. I didn't know they had already looked at the pandora though
Didn't someone write a NEON optimised C math library ages ago?

Nonetheless, World of Goo is indeed heavier than it would seem, so it may still be impossible on the Pandora.
Didn't 2DBoy announce that they were making an iPhone 3GS version of World of Goo?

Edit: "It’s not done and we don’t have a release date yet. We have it running well on the iphone 3GS, and with a little luck we hope to get it running smoothly on the 3G as well. Hopefully more news on this soon."
forces/before said:
Aninhumer said:
World of Goo is indeed heavier than it would seem

I have played World of Goo on 512Mhz PC... I think it could be possible.
What makes you think that the Pandora is comparable to a 512Mhz PC?
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It's cool that we could have a real chance of pandora penumbra, I'm sure the developers would lend a hand to anyone willing to try porting it
x68000 said:
What makes you think that the Pandora is comparable to a 512Mhz PC?
Honestly, I'd go as far as say properly optimized code should run faster on the panda then the run of the mill unoptimized code we are use to seeing on PC, so as far as this comparison goes, I'd say the Panda is most likely faster and more capable then a 500-533Mhz x86. (But i have NO idea how they ended up with the figure of 512Mhz...)
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forces/before said:
I have played World of Goo on 512Mhz PC... I think it could be possible.
There are times when you can compare two things as kinda similar enough to be a ballpark estimate. This is not one of them. x86 PC have very good floating point, Pandora not so much. At least not yet. Well, it kinda does, but it's not as widely used as it could be.
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Reyhn said:
I tought only Aquaria, Gish, Lugaru and Penumbra were releasing the source code.

edit : typo
That was why i made the original post. I was thinking about how cool that was, and then how much i really wanted world of goo on the pandora :P
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