And world fertility rate is below commonly accepted replacement rate.
Yes and no. Localized, maybe, but globally...
Here, look at these 1/2 reliable wikipedia maps:
And also yes, you are right in the sense that if we compare it with a running automobile, it was going 150, and now it's going 120, growth DID decrease. That is a fact. (hitting the wall still hurts at 120...)
But who's telling you that it's less than sustainable? We are going into automation after all... and that will reduce available work. (which will be solved by making more prisons)
It's like saying the world is at war. Nope, not around my corner. But I know for a fact there are multiple wars, and because Syria is now "important" (oil), the wars in Africa take a backseat. Not important enough (and there's no black privilege, so you will not hear a peep in the Mainstream news).
Here, look at these other 1/2 reliable wikipedia maps: (see those red spots? That's where we get our bloody minerals for phone batteries from)
the plan is still executing.
Now a question: is this funny to you? (note the year 1997, we already knew "the plan")
Because, then this is funny too:
And may the world will bring comedy to your country soon.... you consume 2 times more resources than the average European. (and now I know why you can spend 2 times less on a Pyra...)
Here, look at yet another 1/2 reliable wikipedia article:
To be able to spend so much,
you are workaholics
But the resources (from all of us) will be gone soon, at this rate.... then the real wars will start. (Oh Lord... won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz)
Your turn (and by that, anybody can pinch in. It's a great discussion)
I'll ask E.D. to withhold the Pyra from him for 2 months.... and to be fair (equality), from all of us. How 'bout that?