Wondering About Accelerating Sideway-shooters


Aug 18, 2003
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If anybody remember Turrican II for the Amiga (and Atari ST i guess), there are a couple of levels where you have gotten hold of a plane and you play the game as a sort of sidescrolling-shooter...
In one of these levels your ship starts out with being damaged by something, which result in the engine constantly accellerating... The object of this level is then to avoid crashing in to walls as the ship continue to speed up.

I find this level to be more fun then usually, and was wondering is if there was any game (for any system), that have an similar gameplay.

Anyone who played Turrican II will know what I am looking for ;)
Mmmmm turican 2 mmmmm

I have this game on the amiga, (aswell as hundreds of others) If you dont mind waiting i will check out some titles tonight that are like turrican. I remember there being loads of turrican wannabes but cant remember there names for the life of me :o(

Will update as soon as I have some gems for you

Thanks for the trouble, but actually I'm not looking for something Turrican-like (that would be Metroid)... It just that in Turrican 2 there are a couple of R-type like levels (around level 5 our something).

In the last of these space-shooter-levels the object isn't to shoot at everything, but instead avoiding chrashing into walls, as the space-ships speed increases... (heaps of fun )... :P

It's actually games more similar to THAT specific level I'm looking for...
that was a superb sequence, remember the bit where you get squeezed into a tiny corner and have to wait for the screen to move out again? and then you have to choose your path and get the extra lives while it's all whizzing past you....

manfred trenz is the man...

deano: if you do come up with turrican like games, I'd sure be interested to hear about them, I really don't think there's much out there to come close though.

btw it's one of my favourite games, which is why I reviewed the c64 version here (the best imo) http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=7089
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frolik posted on Feb 25 2004 at 06:19 PM said:
that was a superb sequence, remember the bit where you get squeezed into a tiny corner and have to wait for the screen to move out again? and then you have to choose your path and get the extra lives while it's all whizzing past you....
Yeah... before responding to the post Dean wrote, I just had to start it up in my Amiga-emulator to try it out once again... And since the floppy I have has a trainer-menu, I just jumped directly to level 5...

@ Woogal...
That java-game is exactly like the "Ye Fly the Chopper!"-game, which was one of the first games I tryed out on GeePee32... (that was before I had bought a real one yet :D )
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Hmm...sounds like the 2nd and 6th stages of Aero Blasters (PCE), if it's what I'm thinking of.
TandeM posted on Feb 26 2004 at 12:46 AM said:
Hmm...sounds like the 2nd and 6th stages of Aero Blasters (PCE), if it's what I'm thinking of.
Thanks... that's exactly what I was looking! I do however suck at this game :D
Thank god, that you get 5 credits... otherwise I wouldn't even have gotten to the second level :lol:

But I guess that's what can be expected on first try...

The big difference between this and the Turrican2-levels, are that you got an energy-bar in T2, and therefor don't crash-and burn instantly... But this IS the type of game I was looking for, thanks...

@ Delsabre:
Haven't tried that out yet. Can you give a hint to how far into the game this level is? Just to know if it would be realistic for me to try it out. Oh, and is it any particular system/version your are talking about?
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Ringo posted on Feb 26 2004 at 09:59 PM said:
TandeM posted on Feb 26 2004 at 12:46 AM said:
Hmm...sounds like the 2nd and 6th stages of Aero Blasters (PCE), if it's what I'm thinking of.
Thanks... that's exactly what I was looking! I do however suck at this game :D
Thank god, that you get 5 credits... otherwise I wouldn't even have gotten to the second level :lol:

But I guess that's what can be expected on first try...

The big difference between this and the Turrican2-levels, are that you got an energy-bar in T2, and therefor don't crash-and burn instantly... But this IS the type of game I was looking for, thanks...

@ Delsabre:
Haven't tried that out yet. Can you give a hint to how far into the game this level is? Just to know if it would be realistic for me to try it out. Oh, and is it any particular system/version your are talking about?
Use the 9-credit cheat if you ever want to see the later stages. :P Right, Right, Right, Select at the title screen. Or use the level select- hit A 9 times, and once more for each level you want to skip (10 for Lv. 2, 11 for Lv.3, etc.), then push Select, Select, Start to be on your way.

Prepare for the difficulty to skyrocket in Levels 4~6...
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