Wizznic 0.9_Feedback_Version


Still Fresh
Aug 29, 2009
Version 0.9 of Wizznic, all Puzznic levels are removed from the main pack, and there are now 82 levels, most which are totally new.
Finally there's music, thanks to Sean Hawk.
There's also a bunch of bugfixes, and a new theme (though not used yet..)

Get it here:
(the windows version will be up when I'm unfortunate enough to be on a winbox;))

Fixed a bug where teleport strings could get too long and sometimes crash the game.
Added cheat.
Time spent solving level was reset when player used retry.
Using cURL(windows) and wget(*nix), wizznic will now upload level-statistics:
The game asks you to accept (Ctrl) or disable the function (Alt) on first start, it can also be enabled/disabled from options menu.
The info is sent to: http://dusted.dk/wizznic/commit.php and contains the following fields:
version, pack, level, score, moves, time, and action (which can be either "check", "restart", "complete", "gameover" or "lost-life")
This information will be very helpful to order the levels.
Script to move levels around. ( tools/movlev.sh (works on .))
It's no longer possible to place a "reserved" brick from the editor (the "reserved" type is used internally)
The cursor can now be changed from level-files with cursor=cursorname.png (relative to packname/themes/cursors/)
Default cursor should now be PACKNAME/themes/cursors/cursor.png, but the game will still fall back on PACKNAME/cursor.png
Added new Teleport sound.
Particle effect on teleport
Added direction-switching delay to horizontal mover, solves bug that brick
cant be dropped of a mover with a travel distance of only 2 spaces.
Adjusted direction-switching delay to 500 ms instead of 300
New version up, I also updated the archive file, but it's not yet accepted.

Changed Wiz default clock to 500 mhz instead of 400 to improve performance.
When completing a pack, PACKNAME/finished.png is loaded and shown instead of wall-o-text.
However, another wall-o-text is shown if there is no finished.png in the pack.
Moved some levels around, removed some levels. 80 levels total.
Added optional WxH argument to tools/updatelevelpreviews.sh to generate images of given size,
while not useful in the game, they are useful for sorting levels (using an image-viewing app to browse them)
"Commercial" for the pack function. in the start of some levels.
Level editor now reads and writes all level properties, including optional ones.
Updated readme.
Updated data/empty.wzp so it contains all level properties, and comments explaining their function and usage.
Added another intro level to teleports, added intro-images to those levels.
Updated the cursor in the NES pack.
Removed "template" pack, it does nothing that the main pack does not show allready.
Fixed music changing in intermediate screens ("Level Stats" and "Entering Level").
Fixed crash that could happen when entering highscores.
Updated ports list (gee, someone ported it to a phone, neat..)
Updated changelog and decided to use X.Y.Z versioning.
Program now calls SDL_Quit() on exit (resets screen-resolution if in fullscreen)
tools/releaser.sh now generates the src package witout src-graphics, instead it generates a srcgfx tarball seperately.
moved the unused theme graphics into src graphics..