Wizznic! 07 Alpha1


Still Fresh
Aug 29, 2009
So, it's been a while(1) since I released the buggy 06 version.. :)
Now, prepare for even more bugs, as I proudly announce 07_alpha1...
The reason it's alpha 1 and not beta, is that content-wise, nothing has really happened, except for the last brick-types finally getting their graphics on ;)
But I don't know how much work is required to make it into a really polished experience, I guess a lot of level-sorting, and creating new original levels.
Enough about that..

This release brings two major improvements, among lots of smaller fixes and tweaks:
Pack support (Meaning, that YOU can create a whole "game" for the game.. You can create a set of levels, each level can have it's own graphics and audio, with seperate music tracks and all, if there's a part of a "pack" that you don't want to create, just leave the files out of it, and the game will look for the files in the default "wizznic" pack. Right now, docs are missing on the subject, so if you can't wait (a few months maybe?), have a look at the packs that are allready made))

Oh, and btw, the "Arcade" mode is on by default, which means any time you select "New Game", gets game over, or exits the game, progress is reset. If you don't like this, select "Career" in options menu.

So, I'd be very grateful if you could test this for me, and please report bugs back; however; I'm kind of picky, if you can't replicate a bug, I can't fix it, so please try as hard as you can, to find out exactly how to make the bug happen again :)

Here's the download link for the Wiz-Version:

Here's the download link for the source / Linux Version (windows users can compile this aswell, but they need to figure out how to get SDL installed first):

Here's the changelog:
    Select a directory with music to play instead of the ones in the levels (which are none currently). Press Shoulder Left/Right to change song.
      - This works best with .ogg files (which I can play and still keep 50 fps at 350 mhz), mp3's at 43 fps at 650 mhz :s
      - Select from "Options" menu. If the directory browsing stops working, select "Play Game Music" and try again as this resets the directory listing.
    Fixed some more oddities with the mover-bricks.
    Tweaked the particle effect when bricks explode.
    The "best" statistics are saved for each level, and a per.pack highscore table is saved. it is in player/packname.hig
    Graphics for brick 6-10 and for the one/ways and the "glue/magnet"
    settings.ini replaces user.ini, and has changed format.
    Packs now working:
      - Scans wizznic/packs/ for folders containing at least an info.ini and a levels directory with atleast one level.
      - Packs could also have an icon (optional)
      - If a file (for instance, the cursor image, or the sound directory) is not found in the selected pack, the file is loaded from the packs/wizznic standard pack.
        This allows pack-creators to only include files they want to make diffrent. So pack creators can use the standard sounds/themes and only create new levels,
        or they can create a fully fledged pack, with multiple themes, tilesets, background images, sound-sets, character set and music.
    Options Menu:
      - Sound/Music Volume
      - Gamemodes (Arcade=GameOver/NewGame clears progress. Career=Progress is saved)
      - Show FPS option (primarily for tweaking wiz clock settings, yes it's a 50 hz game.)
      - In-Game Particles on/off option (If you prefer to play without particles ingame, or to make it run better on low clock speeds)
      - Clock speed, for clocking between 200 and 700 mhz in intervals of 10. (sorry, no 533 mhz option)
    Broke level-format for the last time, allows for backwards compatibility from this version on.
      Added parameters to levelfiles, (author= levelname= seconds= board= tileset= sounddir= music=)
      Added [data] before level data.
      Strings in level-files can now be 128 characters long. (but dont, they won't display correctly on 320x240 anyway)
    the -z option is slightly faster (about 10% on my 3 ghz machine).
    -z option now takes optional parameter (amount of zoom) warning: more than 2 might be SLOOOW
    "Userlevels" is now called Editor as it's ment primarily to create new levels for the game.
    editor-levels directory for the levels created by the editor (no more data/userlevels)
    editor-levels are now named "levelX.wzp" like normal levels, to avoid the need for renaming
    B is the default select/enter/grab button
    Scrolling function in level-editor so there's room for more than 16 user-created levels.
    Changed B to be the default menu-select and brick-grab button.
    It's now possible to press Menu/Escape to get from "New Game" to the menu.
    Level-editor will write the author name and time that is allready in the level, when saving. If it's a new level, they are taken from data/levels/empty.wzp
    Help-Image instead of text, and both versions have it's own help-image.
    PC-Version shows PC-keys instead of Wiz keys in editor.
    Editor asks for confirmation before exitting a unsaved level.
    Hide mousecursor on PC.
    Fixed bug where levels with custom-themes that do not include custom walls get "brick 7" for walls.
    Rewritten game/menu interaction, much more robust now, this solves lots of minor odd behaviours, and two crash-bugs.
    Restart level is now moved into the game, restart with Y.
Since this thread is not too noisy (Yay! I'm either writing bugfree software, or nobody is downloading it (more likely :P)), I'll announce here, the release of the second alpha:

Here is the changelog:
    All downloadable level-sets have been converted to level-packs and is included in the download.
    Placeholder-Music removed.
    Fixed bug in pack-listing.
    Pushing bricks of moving platforms is easier (you don't have to hold down the button, and risk doing a "double move")
    Restarting only resets bricks, timer is not reset.
      "Tries" is removed from the game. So, now you can restart as many times as you want, but the timer is not reset.
    "Career" mode is now default, switch to arcade if you want. To clear progress, switch to arcade-mode, and start a new game, then switch back to career.
    You no longer have to complete the "last completed" level to get to the first-not-completed.
    Ask for highscore if user exits at the "Entering Level #" screen.
    Vol+/Vol- on wiz works again (sets the hardware volume)
    Disable Music option, disables loading of music files. (save battery on wiz, game should be restarted if changing this)
    Added startimage, stopimage and charmap properties to level-files.
      Charmaps should be named NAME0.png and NAME1.png and put in PACKNAME/themes/chars/
    Halt music when not playing, to save battery on wiz.
    Tools: Updated level-preview-image-dumper and updatelevelimages.sh to dump and convert levels for packs.
      To update the level preview images for the "wizznic" pack do: cd tools/ && ./updatelevelimages.sh wizznic
    Content:Each brick now has it's own "explosion" animation.
    Code:Don't reload sound-files that are allready loaded, faster loading when entering levels.

Please note that the music have been removed again, this is because I have not asked for permission (the author is a nice guy, and I'm certain I could obtain a permission however).
Music will be added when it has been created/contributed, and since I'm no musician, I have little control over that.

This release finalizes the pack-code, and it should now be possible to create an in-game experience that is 100% controlled by the people who create the packs.

The windows version now comes with the SDL.dll's (how come people install DirectX but not it's opensource counterpart? hmm..)
The linux version is the source-package, if you're lucky, and is running a 32 bit version of linux, the precompiled binary "wizznic.x86.bin" might be usable, if not, you better install codeblocks and compile it yourself.
The wiz version comes in a "game" dir, to install on the wiz, drag the contents of "game" into the "game" dir on the wiz. Easy as pie.

Get the files on sourceforge.
Hi Dusted
I have just compiled your new version 0.7 Alpha2 to the GP2X F100/F200 and finally work ok :)
...i will submit the new version on archive tomorrow...

Hi Farox, I'm glad to hear that it's working again (I don't know what changed that did the trick however) :)
Thank you for compiling it for the other consoles.. :)
Do you have to make any changes to the source to make it work on those machines ?

No major change ...only the wiz specific Clock change code are excluded with #IFDEF WIZ
and excluded also the 2 file of Dumplevelimage (because are Win32 specific ).
Thank you for the game i'll look at the next version.