Yes, there is something you can do. You can read the descriptor from the the WiiMote with the Pandora.Hm, anything I can help with here? I don't have bluetooth in my PC, but there sure should be a way to scan the service descriptor with the Pandora, right(at least I hope it is)?Thanks, but BT specs don't have anything to do with HID descriptors. I gonna find them somewhere.
Do the following:
- Make sure your WiiMote is discoverable
- open a terminal on your Panda
- type "hcitool scan" . This scans for nearby BT devices. The WiiMote should be listed with its BT address
- type "sdptool browse <addr of wiimote>" . This lists all services on the WiiMote
- type "sdptool get --tree --bdaddr <addr of wiimote> <record handle>" for each service record. This will print the descriptors for each service
- post the descriptors here (or send by pm)
- you're done
Thanks. That could be useful. But the descriptor itself seems to be missing.Theres alot of documentation interfacing the wiimote anyway, I'm sure theres enough data on the web to figure out how to do the opposite...? tadaa...
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