GP2X Not Sure What To Think About This:

I would think that Quake II would look just as good as III on such a small screen. And if Quake II was ported you could run UFO: Alien Invasion. UFOAI hasn't been very active, but looks like a fun game if it ever gets going. Also, if someone can get it running on the GP2X maybe it would get better and low FPS probably wouldn't affect it much. But I don't think Quake II or III will ever be playable on anything that doesn't have a dedicated GPU with OpenGL.

Is opengl ES a software implimentation of OpenGL ?

If so, I think if the OpenGL computation can be limited to the second ARM on the gp2x it could eventually be fully playable... even more so now that the source for all original quake games is GPL'd.

Thanks again Mr Carmack... I mean... Sir Carmack... no... wait.... God...

timbobsteve posted on Oct 13 2005 at 08:23 AM said:
Is opengl ES a software implimentation of OpenGL ?
OpenGL ES is a subset of OpenGL for embedded systems (ES = Embedded Systems).

The page mentions Vincent, an open-source OpenGL ES implementation. It would be interesting to see if that could be ported to GP2X.
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There are a few software renderers for open/gl and subsets.. but they're not really fast. Still, one of us will be porting them for sure :)

i dont know much about mesa (software rendering) , but on my pc its damn slow (2Ghz)
Sonic-NKT posted on Oct 13 2005 at 11:48 PM said:
i dont know much about mesa (software rendering) , but on my pc its damn slow (2Ghz)

TinyGL is a software GL Engine. It looks alright. Does most of the OpenGL 1.1 functions.

I'm interested in finding a fixed point software 3D engine.
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