Release William Shatner's Tekwar GDX port


Certified Guru
Jan 8, 2009
just repackaged William Shatner's Tekwar port that use Java/LibGDX.



To run the game you need the original datas and Java installed on your Pandora. Place the original datas on /appdata/TekWargdx directory and run the PND. There is an ini file that it's pre-configured with some options to increase speed (on my CC is a bit too slow @825Mhz) feel free to experiment maybe on Gigahertz Pandora is running better.

This repackage is using the great work done by ptitSeb on BloodGDX, and his work on port LibGDX and lwjgl.
Big thanks also to the author of the GDX games port his page is

Build01..first release
Build02..fixed runscript and updated GL4ES lib
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Want to try this.

Played this game a long long time ago.
I have some vague memories from this games: setting a homeless person on fire with a flamethrower while in a subway car?
And some weird issues of people walking out of a building onto the street then floating above the ground.
It's a nice game for it's era, not a masterpiece for sure, maybe a bit difficult (on my CC Pandora ) for the controls ( is also a bit too slow to play in some scenes).
Plus there some choise from the programmer that not the cops that shoot at you when you extract the gun or try to hit an enemy.
On a side note, this site claims the development source snapshot contains the game data:

Is it correct and / or legit ?

I don't know sorry i think this is i can't include game datas on the pnd.
@Farox : I confirm the source code from Les Bird @ Captone does include the game data :p

I also agree with you regarding the distribution of such data: better be safe than sorry and keep it out of the Repo :)

Cheers, Magic Sam
[doublepost=1543173725,1543165154][/doublepost]@Farox : what a weird game :D Performance is quite poor when you are in the subway station (~10 FPS on my Rebirth OC'ed @ 82 5MHz) but things get better in smaller places. The most annoying part is of course being shot upon by enemies so remote you can't even see them :)

Cheers, Magic Sam
[doublepost=1543175916][/doublepost]@Farox : settings (3D models OFF, voxels OFF, FPS limiter, etc...) are not saved upon restart of the game. And it's not IMHO a file permissions issue. Setting the rights to 777 on that INI file didn't solve the problem. Actually last time I checked the permssions were back to 644. I guess that file is copied from the PND to the appdata folder everytime one starts the game.

Could you please have a look ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
Yes that ini file is copied if not present...i think i need to check.
Ok i found the issue...i need to edit runscripts and made a new pnd.:oops:
Anyway is possible to edit enabling or disabling options.
Thanks for reporting problems.
[doublepost=1543181148,1543179489][/doublepost]A new pnd is uploaded. I fixed runscript and updated GL4ES using the latest from BloodGDX ( i was to lazy to rebuild ;))
It runs surprisingly well on the Pandora. The preset controls dont feel right but they can be changed. The game feels different to the usual FPS from back in the day.