Hi all,
I apologize if this seems abrupt, but I just realized something. From 2006-2010 I was here absolutely every day. Addicted..could not stop! Insightful help, and erudite commentary flew so quickly it felt like IM.
I was so in love with the GP2X original, and the amazing ways Squidge created the mmu hack, the adoption of final burn, Sega CD,, TG-16 CD, all on a 200 MHz processor with a severely inhibited mmu core; You know how we all twisted that unit to form.
I'm not a coder, but I was an active member in testing the latest builds and even turned my hand to helping the newbies in getting things running on GP2X torrents as a ranking member. I stayed up all night at the release of the Pandora..."Oh that that first night". With my then fiance's credit card in hand to finally order. It felt like a partnership how she manned the keyboard all night to order when I finally slept. She knew how important it was to me. Even after the server crashed several times. Then the remission of the MasterCard, then Paypal , and the immediate reordering with an American Express, all the while in constant conversation with Jackie. I so wanted to be with you all to see the Pandora become the premiere gaming/emulation open source handheld! Even when my Ex-Fiance's new boyfriend bought his unit outright as a "Premium" unit, and got his a month before I did.
Regardless to say, two years later, I no longer had a fiance, but the joyous package came!!! I was overjoyed at the expanded capabilities, The new emulators worked great! But the new emulators failed to be polished for a long time. Functional but not pretty, or "showoffable"...Is that a werd?
The great hope died a little. The programs and emulators never upgraded their GUIs, and it felt like my beloved handheld had died slowly, while waiting months for updates. Then the casing started to crack at the hinges (actually this happened within two weeks). I upgraded to an android phone then an android tablet(which did incidentally make leaps and strides over the Pandora specs in a very short time) Then when recently checking the forums (as I often do) I saw word of an upgrading program to support new pre-orders with better boards? Hello! Fragmentation much? It made me sad.
The emulators on Android are polished and touchscreen oriented, or Bluetooth available for 6 axis or Wii controllers. PSX or before they all run flawlessly; with slick Bluetooth enabled GUIs. With a quick HDMI connection, I can game on a huge HD screen with upscaled resolutions. In essence life is relatively good. On occasion I've fondled my dearly bought Pandora and wondered if the killer app to rule them all has come? Meanwhile, I get bemused, and saddened by checking at OpenPandora and, The two seem diametrically opposed, each disdaining the other? So my question is--- what can I do with my beloved Pandora? That I cannnot do with my wonderful android tablet? Please bring me back! I miss you guys!
I love the Pandora, and want to see it succeed in the worst way! Tell me what I'm missing?
Please don't feel the need to be gentle....I really need to know!
I apologize if this seems abrupt, but I just realized something. From 2006-2010 I was here absolutely every day. Addicted..could not stop! Insightful help, and erudite commentary flew so quickly it felt like IM.
I'm not a coder, but I was an active member in testing the latest builds and even turned my hand to helping the newbies in getting things running on GP2X torrents as a ranking member. I stayed up all night at the release of the Pandora..."Oh that that first night". With my then fiance's credit card in hand to finally order. It felt like a partnership how she manned the keyboard all night to order when I finally slept. She knew how important it was to me. Even after the server crashed several times. Then the remission of the MasterCard, then Paypal , and the immediate reordering with an American Express, all the while in constant conversation with Jackie. I so wanted to be with you all to see the Pandora become the premiere gaming/emulation open source handheld! Even when my Ex-Fiance's new boyfriend bought his unit outright as a "Premium" unit, and got his a month before I did.
Regardless to say, two years later, I no longer had a fiance, but the joyous package came!!! I was overjoyed at the expanded capabilities, The new emulators worked great! But the new emulators failed to be polished for a long time. Functional but not pretty, or "showoffable"...Is that a werd?
The emulators on Android are polished and touchscreen oriented, or Bluetooth available for 6 axis or Wii controllers. PSX or before they all run flawlessly; with slick Bluetooth enabled GUIs. With a quick HDMI connection, I can game on a huge HD screen with upscaled resolutions. In essence life is relatively good. On occasion I've fondled my dearly bought Pandora and wondered if the killer app to rule them all has come? Meanwhile, I get bemused, and saddened by checking at OpenPandora and, The two seem diametrically opposed, each disdaining the other? So my question is--- what can I do with my beloved Pandora? That I cannnot do with my wonderful android tablet? Please bring me back! I miss you guys!
Please don't feel the need to be gentle....I really need to know!