Well-Known Member
I'm sorry if this comes off as a nubie question, but I just do not understand why our beloved machine can emulate multi-cpu machines with no problen like the genny, whose z80 and 68k core are so different from the arm 9 processor in our gp32. A GBA has a 16mhz arm9 compatable cpu which should take a large load off the emulation since it has a compatable cpu. I also understand the gba has less ram as well. I don't know how much difference there is in the video hardware or the sound hardware, but then I figure how much differenc is in the Genesis or snes video/sound hardware. It just seems that the gp32 can emulate more powerfull systems with bigger hardware differences, than the GBA, but falls short on the gba. i think I can attribute some of it to a lack of knowledge about the GBA, although there are other gba emulators out there that work great. Maybe someone more technical than me could help me understand?