Read This


Still Fresh
May 15, 2004
I wanted to thank carlgeorge. Hes real nice and understanind. I posted a qustion and all i got was negetive responses. LIke "use the search " and " id have to say no" when all i asked was if the gba emulation was that good. Whell as for this point i dont think there is any handheld out there that can handel gameboy advance except for the gameboy advance itself. Classic emulators have to emulate everything (i.e. processor, RAM, ROM, video processor, keys, timers, ...) with only the use of the computer processor, that is why you need at least a 700Mhz computer to emulate a small gba (which has a 16MHz processor)
Yup, unfortunatly if you just join, and don't see/pay attention to the last month's posts you can get flamed. Sorry for the community, I try my best to not flame Noobs, as I can remember being one. Overall this community is very friendly though so don't let that one topic turn you off. :P
I think the massive ammounts of new people joining the community have frustrated serious gp32 owners. Don't let it get to you, once you establish yourself here, it's a really friendly community.
use names for topics that say whats in ot, topics like " rad this" "i nead help" etc are annoping.

Why are you pissd of couse you should use the seach funktion?
the gba emu topic is one that you see evry weak so PLEAS USE THE SEARCH FUNKTION!

Its damn annoying to answer the same questions 1000000 times.

Why is a answer like "pleas use the search funktion" or "no" not enugh?
And whats this topic about? "wääh i cant search so i must ask evrything again and again the evil guys told me to use the search funktion but i dont want couse i want that evryone talk to ME"

ps: this is no attack!
I don't think this guy has a GP32 or gives a rat's ass about the GP32. It seems he is just here to troll on about new handhelds (Eve) etc ;)
sayqustionsaskanswers posted on May 17 2004 at 12:52 AM said:
I wanted to thank carlgeorge. Hes real nice and understanind. I posted a qustion and all i got was negetive responses. LIke "use the search " and " id have to say no" when all i asked was if the gba emulation was that good. Whell as for this point i dont think there is any handheld out there that can handel gameboy advance except for the gameboy advance itself. Classic emulators have to emulate everything (i.e. processor, RAM, ROM, video processor, keys, timers, ...) with only the use of the computer processor, that is why you need at least a 700Mhz computer to emulate a small gba (which has a 16MHz processor)

Well, If you decide to use the search function sometime in the future, you'll find out that the this is not actually true for the GBA. It's not necessary to emulate the processor, RAM or ROM on the GP32... I'll leave out why as a searching exercise for you :)
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Why isn't there a seperate section for newbies. I can understand regular users getting a bit peeved with the same old posts coming through every week/day but we were all newbies once (still am in my case).
If we had a new section then any users who have been using the site for a limited time should have picked up enough knowledge to be able to help those who haven't got a clue and the established users have the choice of being helpful or just ignoring the posts.
The problem is new people don't always take the time before jumping into conversations to get all the facts they can and thus beable to tell people "I did this, that, and another thing, and still couldn't find the answer." When you don't show any innitiative to learn on your own people get annoyed (like vimacs :P ) and don feel they should be telling you somthing they were able to learn on their own.
I believe sometime in the Future there Will be Full Speed GBA On the GP32 :D

Just gotta hope someone has the time to do it all...

isnt there a GBA Emu in development thats running the "Demo" things much Faster than the standard speed???
yes there is, but alot of the modes were not activated in that release, so it will be much slower when, or if, all the modes are activated. there is a pinned topic in this forum about it, but unfortunitly (sp) it had to be closed due to spam and the like, the author, enf55 i think, has a web-site dedicated to this emu. search the news, i couldnt be bothered.