@Neelix @ible
The physical layout of the Pyra keys was pre-ordained by ED prior to the lengthy discussions regarding layout of the labels on those physical keys. The physical layout was considered 'fixed'.
Much discussion ensued.
At the end of it, a poll by ED was done using the top (10?) layouts under discussion. Two of the layouts that I had contributed were included.
Yes, the one selected as the most popular was chosen as the basis for further discussion was one of two of mine that had made the inclusion cut.
I cannot take full credit for the one chosen though. It was my version of a
@_wb_ version of another version - it was a highly iterative result from collaboration. Truly a community generated result.
ED formed a team of (three or four?) of us to further refine based on the most popular layout. A few minor tweaks were applied, mostly dealing with the 'Attic Row' above the game controls. This is where we established that brightness for both the screen and the keymat backlights could be driven from a single attic button in combination with Fn and Shift.
Brightness button = Screen brightness up
Shift + Brightness button = Screen brightness down
Fn + Brightness button = Keyboard backlight up
Fn + Shift + Brightness button = Keyboard backlight down
I have a prototype. I've used the keyboard quite a bit. Having the keys staggered gives a tactile understanding of where your thumbs are at on the keyboard. A grid layout would be far more difficult to know where your thumbs are at without having to look at it constantly. With the stagger and layout it is pretty quick to learn to thumb-touch-type some and not always have to read the key legends.
Hope that helps. No-one expects the keyboard discussion! (Monty Python Spanish Inquisition reference)