Why are other sites getting free advertising here ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2012
Moderators : please edit title and or punish me on title name if necessary , just needed to grab attention .

Everybody else ( including mods ) : honestly I don't mind a little advertising now and again . The Pandora was born on gp2x . Sometimes advertisement can even be helpful . But EvilDragon is paying for a server and their getting free advertising . I suggest we ( and by we I mean EvilDragon ) charge a fee going towards the original que . Or perhaps we should start spamming them en mass with adds pointing to the Pandora or IcontrolPad 2 .

Please discuss .

What I meant to say is , is that they spam WAY too much here .
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Us spamming Geek buying ( Selma , sky walker ) about the open pandora . Or finding someway to charge spammers too spam so as to make money to go towards the original que
Hmm your title seemed very offensive.  I changed it a bit, but truthfully I am unsure if that is exactly what you wanted? 
I think Selma started 2-3 threads max and Im not 100% if sky walker is a spammer (I thought maybe not).  Not really an issue IMO.

Not like the Spamming a lot of us did for the ICP2 for example, now that was bad (I'm in the guilty as charged list there).
Hmm your title seemed very offensive. I changed it a bit, but truthfully I am unsure if that is exactly what you wanted?
I'm more than fine with you changing it :) , as I felt so much emotion over it what I put was possibly the least offensive thing I could think of with it STILL getting attention .
I think Selma started 2-3 threads max and Im not 100% if sky walker is a spammer (I thought maybe not). Not really an issue IMO.

Not like the Spamming a lot of us did for the ICP2 for example, now that was bad (I'm in the guilty as charged list there).
I'm assuming sky walker was paid and that Selma was a bot . Pretty sure Craig didn't put half the kickstarter towards hiring spammers. . You just rallied to support a device you liked .
don't feel like there's a lot of spamming here. If its clearly spamming, just kill the thread