Who Is In The First Bach.

disagree, there is no frustration, just bored, bored because of waiting. and also lack of news or any update.
lilington said:
if we can see it before 25dec that will be very nice. i could be more patient if not but after febuary i don't think so.

lilington said:
i read in this forum peoples saying they will cancel their order if no pandora at the end of the year. well i am not in that cathegory, so i think i am patient. don't you think so?

No. The people in the forums that are saying thay will cancel if they don't get it by new year have already waited 12 months, so are giving Pandora another two months for a total of 14 months worth of patience. You appear to have just ordered and so seem to be giving the OpenPandora team a total of 2-3 months. That does NOT make you more patient that people who have recently been saying "14 months is my cut-off limit". You come across as being about 11 months LESS patient than them.

In addition, they may find themselves teased by videos and updates into staying longer - I am sure at least some people swore they would cancel if they didn't have their Pandoras by September, yet are still posting and looking forward to getting their Pandoras.

MrBlais said:
-Tj- said:
Don't take it so hard... News has been thin lately and people are getting pretty bored around here. I thought the board was harsh at first, but I've grown to love the sarcasm and sometimes blunt sense of humor. :P

It's not so much sense of humor as it is pent up frustration leaking out..

It's often humour IMHO, but frustration-fuelled humour :D
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i am not impatient, i can wait one more year, the problem is that when the DAY is closer Humain become to lose patience. when i order it i did not know how long time i'll wait, i read about pandora and i was so excited.
then i saw that the machine was under construction that's why i took month to ask my question. yes i said febuary but it is because we are expecting it to november or december. but if they say wait until June or July i could wait.
but ofcourse at the beginning of may i will begin to lose patience.
lilington said:
disagree, there is no frustration, just bored, bored because of waiting. and also lack of news or any update.

Wait, what the hell are you bored for? You JUST got here a week ago... Some of us have been wait for this for months and others, 'YEARS'... :blink:
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i am bored like people talkin about bach and batch are bored. by the way we got a good news from craig. i am not bored anymore.
lilington said:
i am not impatient, i can wait one more year, the problem is that when the DAY is closer Humain become to lose patience. when i order it i did not know how long time i'll wait, i read about pandora and i was so excited.
then i saw that the machine was under construction that's why i took month to ask my question. yes i said febuary but it is because we are expecting it to november or december. but if they say wait until June or July i could wait.
but ofcourse at the beginning of may i will begin to lose patience.

We were told November (possibly December) - LAST year. I think we have been more patient than you realise.

If you find the forum too boring - post something interesting. Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.
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If you find the forum too boring - post something interesting. Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.

excellent point. hence my attempt at review videos and interface ideas threads. pointless in theory but gets peoples minds thinking of possitive things :D
Monk said:
lilington said:
i am not impatient, i can wait one more year, the problem is that when the DAY is closer Humain become to lose patience. when i order it i did not know how long time i'll wait, i read about pandora and i was so excited.
then i saw that the machine was under construction that's why i took month to ask my question. yes i said febuary but it is because we are expecting it to november or december. but if they say wait until June or July i could wait.
but ofcourse at the beginning of may i will begin to lose patience.

We were told November (possibly December) - LAST year. I think we have been more patient than you realise.

If you find the forum too boring - post something interesting. Be a part of the solution, not a part of the precipitate.


EDIT: Sorry, I had to.
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