Which Quake Engine To Port?


Mar 30, 2008
i know that since Pandora has the capabilities of running opengl 2.0es programs, i was wondering if someone is doing a Quake 1 port, and if so, which engine should they port. Personally, i think Qrack looks really nice, but i find EZQuakeworld the easiest to play with on multiplayer. Then again, if someone ports DarkPlaces (which i think is a cpu and gpu hog) you could easily get nexuiz running

feel free to mention any other engines you might like ported
I almost created a new topic for this. Long time Quake guru here ( http://www.quaddicted.com ;) ).

It would be sad if plain GLQuake was ported. It looks terrible (see bottom) and does not support big modern maps or mods.

As a good faithful engine Fitzquake is the best candidate, there also is a almost-done SDL port available which probably will be merged into main Fitzquake later.
I also know that soon a new engine will be released, it has tons of good features (for example support for the music from mp3/ogg) and (for me) will kick Fitzquake off the throne. It runs on Linux too, no SDL though I think.

Darkplaces will most probably be ported I guess, after all Nexuiz is a full free game that uses this engine. For Quake Darkplaces is known for notoriously breaking maps and mods when poke from the wrong side (mostly due to bugfixes that render Quake hacks damaged).

ezQuake is not a Quake engine, but a QuakeWorld engine. QuakeWorld is the multiplayer part of Quake and plain awesome. ezQuake is the best engine for that, no point for any discussion. :)

glquake ugliness: glquake is missing overbrights and fullbrights from the original software quake, those are "good contrasty lighting" and "lights that are bright even in dark corners". There is a nice picture comparing them, I cannot find it at the moment.
ya! ezQuake is the way to go.. for observing games and watching demos!

lemme get this straight, are people actually considering playing online fps games with dual analogs? its retarded man..

im honestly more interested in testical cancer than nexuz.
grasshoppir said:
lemme get this straight, are people actually considering playing online fps games with dual analogs? its retarded man..
Ever heard of Halo?
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ashdjones said:
grasshoppir said:
lemme get this straight, are people actually considering playing online fps games with dual analogs? its retarded man..
Ever heard of Halo?

sure. but that only works because everybody has to use dual analogs.
try playing with that against somebody using WASD + mouse. no chance (not without aiming aids. and these suck.)
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ashdjones said:
grasshoppir said:
lemme get this straight, are people actually considering playing online fps games with dual analogs? its retarded man..
Ever heard of Halo?

I'm sure he's heard of Halo, but that doesn't mean it uses a good control scheme. ;-)

The mouse and keyboard were created for FPS games.

Just joking. Mouse and keyboard is MY ideal control scheme, but I have, however, been getting used to these stupid console games like Battlefield: Bad Company, etc. Hehe.
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It's like the difference between playing the piano and playing the saxophone - you're still making music.
kanzlr said:
ashdjones said:
grasshoppir said:
lemme get this straight, are people actually considering playing online fps games with dual analogs? its retarded man..
Ever heard of Halo?

sure. but that only works because everybody has to use dual analogs.
try playing with that against somebody using WASD + mouse. no chance (not without aiming aids. and these suck.)

You have no idea ;) Only because you can't do it, doesn't mean that others can't do it too.
Personally, I even play Halo (and other shooters) on PC using the xbox controller and win against other players who use mouse and keyboard - and without aiming aids...
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kanzlr said:
ashdjones said:
grasshoppir said:
lemme get this straight, are people actually considering playing online fps games with dual analogs? its retarded man..
Ever heard of Halo?

sure. but that only works because everybody has to use dual analogs.
try playing with that against somebody using WASD + mouse. no chance (not without aiming aids. and these suck.)

WASD is the worst.
I strongly believe that the best analog players vs. the best keyboard and mouse players, the analog players would win. My only problem with a standard controller (ps3/360), is there are not enough buttons, I want at least 4 more.

But quake can be pretty insane for analog, can the sensitivity of the nubs ( in game or out of) be turned up?
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Yay offtopic discussion!

Quake without a mouse? Good look shafting, rocket jumping and bunnyhopping. :blink:
Quake is no Call of Duty.
Spirit said:
Quake without a mouse? Good look shafting, rocket jumping and bunnyhopping. :blink:
As I remember there is a bind macro for rocketjump :)
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The Pandora supports USB HID so a mouse could be used. One of those really small optical ones of course. :ph34r:
This is a silly argument, almost all shooters that use dual analogs have auto-aim, why would they have that if they were equal, also you'll find that the difficulty is often lowered on console games.
You can't get the same level of control with a control pad because it simply doesn't have the same accuracy as an 800+ dpi mouse.

However good shooters can get around this by making a game that concentrates more on strategy than the ability to aim and shoot within milliseconds, take syphon filter on the psp as an example.

Back on the actual subject of the thread, due to the popularity of quake ports and the amount of them that are often seen I think it's safe to say that all 3 major quake engines will be seen.
Most of the updated engines are collections of mostly graphical tweaks, which will have to be rewritten anyway so it'd be nice to see an specific pandora optimized quake engine really.
scrag_10 said:
WASD is the worst.
I strongly believe that the best analog players vs. the best keyboard and mouse players, the analog players would win.

I disagree, Here why:

also remember that i personally prefer to play with a controller, I think there is a better distinction between those players who are very good where as with a mouse and keyboard the playing field more even (boring).

Anyway, On a mouse a keyboard you turn 180/360 degrees in a swift movement taking a split second. On the analogue controller you're limited to the threshhold of the analogue stick...

In some ways this is better, I think a player develops unique strengths with this limitation (especially on games like Cod4, which for the 360 i think has the most fluent controls ever on a FPS for a console. That game proves it can be done, and done very well!.

back to the point, 1v1 both awesome player, one using a controller and the other using WASD + Mouse...

It makes me think of CS1.6 and how good some ppl were at turning 360 and getting an instant headshot! something you can't on an a controller, not as quick anyway... It's an unfair fight.

I'd love to see online quake specifically on pandora protocol so we all had the same handicap, it wouldn't be anything short of great!

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