Where To Preorder Besides Gbax.com?


Sep 29, 2008
I was wondering is there a site besides gbax.com? The reason why im asking is because gbax doesnt have paypal. :(

Also, does anyone know when the preorder would start? 0.00 AM September 30, what timezone? Thank you :)
soulanger said:
I was wondering is there a site besides gbax.com? The reason why im asking is because gbax doesnt have paypal. :(

Also, does anyone know when the preorder would start? 0.00 AM September 30, what timezone? Thank you :)
Please please please no more paypal chitchat! :blink:

Likely to be around 2pm GMT, don't quote me on it though.
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The preorder starts when the first mails have been sent out. Craig (and pretty much everyone else) fully expect that within the first 10 or so arriving, someone will have posted the full text on here. This is estimated to be circa 2pm UK-time.

One place which looks like it does support PayPal is gp2x.de. Discussion on this in general should take place here: http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=44319 , and posts about Paypal, how crap it is, whether Craig ought to be supporting it, etc, etc will be moved there.
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I apologize :( I didnt know there was a thread similar to mine. I didnt saw it when i searched 'preorder'.
Anyway, thanks for the info :)
Well, there kinda was and there kinda wasn't - the PayPal thread is about persuading Craig to implement Paypal in such a way that Paypal don't block is account for 6 months when he gets 600+payments through them in quick succession. This thread, fueled by the same concerns, is about where else to (pre)order from.

My comment was more to direct Paypal-related discussion to the relevant thread, but this one is still perfectly legitimate in terms of where else one can pre-order a Pandora from...
I'd like to know this, too, especially what the "special conditions" are for the USA and other countries listed. All will be shown in due time, though. I just hope the email doesn't come too late! :lol:

And for anyone wondering, Craig's announced that PayPal will be accepted, so rejoice! :P
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Am i right in thinking that after we get the confirmation email ,we then go to gbax.com and the preorders
are open for the pandora so we place the order there,or can it be preordered from openpandora.org or
both, or does the email have details on where to place the order.

Or does no one actuly know any of this for sure yet.
With the 2pm (UK time) launch. I'm a little concerned about it hitting Digg, Engadget and Gizmodo and being sold out to a bunch of folks who don't know what they are getting, ebay scalpers, etc...

It'd be nice if the preorders started late enough in the day so that all the UK/Europe people would be home and all the US people would be awake.

Personally I'd recommend 6pm UK time (which will be 10am my time). That would give most of the community an advantage in ordering before it hits the masses. It'll still hit all the big sites, but if you're going to sell out (which would be great) you want as many of those you sell to to be informed consumers who will promote the community rather than people complaining that they can't put windows on it.
Squidge said:
craig decided on 2pm due to the fact that it works out to the best time in most countries.
Crap, gonna have to make a quick trip home from work. Any chance that the preorder page can be stripped of all of the META tags that cause it to be blocked by my companies web filters? :)
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Frogboy said:
Squidge said:
craig decided on 2pm due to the fact that it works out to the best time in most countries.
Crap, gonna have to make a quick trip home from work. Any chance that the preorder page can be stripped of all of the META tags that cause it to be blocked by my companies web filters? :)

Bypass the filters? Use an HTTP-tunnel? VPN out and run a web browser connecting through the VPN?
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Ack! I have to pre-order from in class!
I hope they don't block online purchases... I don't know if it's safe to use an anonymous proxy for that, so I might have to set up my own...
jbr said:
Ack! I have to pre-order from in class!
I hope they don't block online purchases... I don't know if it's safe to use an anonymous proxy for that, so I might have to set up my own...
For anyone being blocked, set up an SSH proxy for Firefox. There's plenty-a HOWTO floating around the 'net for Linux folks, and I think it could be done for Windows. (Requirements are a separate server outside your network that you can access, that also has wide open access to the 'net.)
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