Where To Get Gp32?

da lil fan

Still Fresh
Jul 12, 2004
Im just wondering but where do you guys think i should get the gp32 from gbax or lik-sang. im asking this cause its cheaper at lik-sang but then again i migh have to pay for international fees etc
I live in the uk just to say.
Also another question i would like to ask is that is the gp32 frame n buttons for the gp32 sold at gbax in the brown colopur or grey?
And also when will the 180mhz be coming out cause if it comes out soon i will wait for that instead.
Please answer asap and thanks for reading and answering :D
if you want a blu and live ion uk get it from gbax, then you also have guaranteed 166mhz, at liksang you have guaranteed 133mhz
I'm just ordering my BLU from Lik-Sang. It is MUCH cheaper than resellers in France or UK. I never had to pay international fees with slow shipping at lik-sang.
Aight thanks for the answer guys but do you know when does the gp32 180 mhz comes out or is released also no one has answered the question is the buttons and the frame on the gp32 sold at gbax the colour grey?
I got my gp32 from lik-sang since I though GBAX was amazingly expensive. All depends if you've got the money really. I'/ve got a 133Mhz gp32 and it's fine, I may get the OC mod which only costs £10 so it all depends on how you look at it really. What is it you actually want gp wise?
Also lik-sang gives you free stickers ;) XD
gbax have great customer support, as i have heard.

I never actually had to use it, because the sent me my GP32 without a hitch!

Gbax 4eva!!eleven!1!
i bought mine (non-flu) from liksang
i had to wait forever and that while shipping was 10e (they only had them in .hk back then)
but when i finally had it, i was very happy ^^ (of course)
and now seeing it o/c to 200mhz no problem (didnt test higher things as i couldnt ^^) i'm damn happy and know that i'm very lucky with my beloved gp32 ^^
and i also got 2 of those nice stickers XD
well, the next time i'm going to order a gp32 (which wont be soon) i'll go for gbax (i'll get an unmodded/untested one, know that i'm lucky ^^)
i know craigix is a great guy (great, not tall, right?) and getting a gp32 from gbax is never wrong (fast shipping, very good service :ph34r:)
if i were you, i'd wait for the 180mhz/32mb-modded ones


btw: the membrane for sure is original color
what do you mean by the membrane colour is the origanal colour do you mean the grey colour?
GBAX is really expensive for people ordering out of england. It was like $45 more than Lik-Sang when I ordered my FLU back in february (from Lik-Sang). It overclocks up to 180mhz anyway, so...
This might answer you a lot: http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3426

Guaranteed the lowest prices on GP32 worldwide at Lik-Sang.com

If you want to be part of the GP32 scene or just own this piece of videogame and emulation history, this is the right time. To celebrate the launch of the GP32 BLU, Lik Sang runs a special campaign on GP32 hardware:

- Guaranteed the lowest prices for GP32, GP32 FLU and GP32 BLU
- One Year Extended Warranty for all models
- CE approved multilingual and international versions
- International resellers are welcome and supported with promo items (best reseller prices!)

Efompor wrote:
GBAX is really expensive for people ordering out of england

That's lucky then cause I'm in Scotland :-) Seriously though I ordered by FLU from GBAX last December without a hitch - only thing to remember is that VAT isn't included till the last stage (or at least it wasn't when I ordered mine)
Max posted on Jul 15 2004 at 09:37 AM said:
This might answer you a lot: http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3426

Guaranteed the lowest prices on GP32 worldwide at Lik-Sang.com

If you want to be part of the GP32 scene or just own this piece of videogame and emulation history, this is the right time. To celebrate the launch of the GP32 BLU, Lik Sang runs a special campaign on GP32 hardware:

- Guaranteed the lowest prices for GP32, GP32 FLU and GP32 BLU
- One Year Extended Warranty for all models
- CE approved multilingual and international versions
- International resellers are welcome and supported with promo items (best reseller prices!)

I reckon Craig should buy these up, mod em and resell them. :D
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States? I'd say lik-sang, but if your GP has any problems in any way you're kinda on your own.

GBAX is nice, and I wish I wasn't broke and could have ordered from there =/
RoboJoe32 posted on Jul 15 2004 at 10:04 AM said:
States? I'd say lik-sang, but if your GP has any problems in any way you're kinda on your own.
Hum... a bit wrong :

- One Year Extended Warranty for all models

Lik-Sang service is excellent. I know a few people who had various problems with their GP32, and these were changed asap.
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