Now that N64 which was seen to be the pinnacle of emulation on the Pand is looking good, yea not 100% but boy is it looking good so far no matter how much more optimisation is possible.
DC has been made a start on.
PSP being looked into. (JayFoxRox missed reading your updates, I'm going to have to see if you've been updating your blog with anything even if it's not PSP related)
So what's the pinnacle now in your eyes?
The next ID engine source to be released and ported optimised.
Homebrew games.
Productivity software.
Other engines.
Game developer type tools.
Sheez even a new repository
Guess this is a list that's not only the pinnacle but what you would like to see next maybe?
I'm just really curious.
Emulation wise, we may not see anything more demanding than N64,DC and PSP being emulated and running, that's not the point of this thread.
DC has been made a start on.
PSP being looked into. (JayFoxRox missed reading your updates, I'm going to have to see if you've been updating your blog with anything even if it's not PSP related)
So what's the pinnacle now in your eyes?
The next ID engine source to be released and ported optimised.
Homebrew games.
Productivity software.
Other engines.
Game developer type tools.
Sheez even a new repository
Guess this is a list that's not only the pinnacle but what you would like to see next maybe?
I'm just really curious.
Emulation wise, we may not see anything more demanding than N64,DC and PSP being emulated and running, that's not the point of this thread.