Sega Dreamcast Emulator


Active Member
Apr 26, 2011
It's been very long time no news on dreamcast emulator,what is going on.

I was looking forward to dc appear on pandora,is the project dead,i'm still impressed that we have mega cd,32x,n64,neo geo emulators.

The bad thing about neo geo emulators it's arcade games but it's not home version emulator,is this correct?
I'm not getting my hopes up.

I wouldn't, and am not; just get a Dreamcast made before October of 2000. :rolleyes:
I was hoping for a Dreamcast emulator, but it's a console you can't exactly call popular... it's more of a cult classic underdog. I've still got a couple of Dreamcasts and all my games though, oh the joy :D
I still have my dreamcast with all the games, controllers and everything. It was a system that was ahead of its time and probably one of the best systems every right after the SNES.
I would think that the reason that there is no DC emulator has less to do with its limited popularity (it was mostly popular with the more hardcore gamers ; This forum is full of...yes), and more to do with the not inconsiderable technical difficulties :)
...and people complain that Saturn emulation on the Pandora is slow.
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I would think that the reason that there is no DC emulator has less to do with its limited popularity (it was mostly popular with the more hardcore gamers ; This forum is full of...yes), and more to do with the not inconsiderable technical difficulties :)
There is/was a nice early demonstration of the DC emulator and it wasn't as slow as I expected it to be... but after that we have heard nothing.
I would think that the reason that there is no DC emulator has less to do with its limited popularity (it was mostly popular with the more hardcore gamers ; This forum is full of...yes), and more to do with the not inconsiderable technical difficulties :)
There is/was a nice early demonstration of the DC emulator and it wasn't as slow as I expected it to be... but after that we have heard nothing.
Indeed. It seemed to be faster than the Saturn one that we have right now... I'm sure it will be released one day and a couple of the less demanding games will be playable :)
I guess one solution to get as much performance out of the Pandora as possible is to create the emulator as a bare metal application, expunging the negligible overhead of Linux for a few more cycles =D. Shame the ARM Cortex-A8 doesn't have an SH4 bit you can set in the PSR =P.
Saturn has amazing games that were made by sega himself and dc has better games than current consoles,graphics don't mean anything nowadays.

That where pandora comes which have emulator like mame,mega cd,32x and n64 of course have best emu's of any portable system to date because pandora being most console than current sysytems.

Saturn emu is slow but very good,why isn't this emulator in the home repo pandora website,oh boy panzer dragoon going portable,best thing ever.

Dreamcast is cool system with games like sonic adventure 2,shenmue 2,jet set radio,soul calicur and many others,imagine seeing these games on pandora,trust me see dc games will be outstanding and amazing to play.

I only wanted to see the following sysytems on pandora:

*Nintendo 64-available

*Megadrive 32x/Mega CD-available



*Dreamcast-not released

*Jaguar-not released

*3do-not released

*Nintendo ds-not released
And don't forget --

the developer base is pretty small; can only squeeze so much juice from the orange :)

More people need to dive in :)

Ok that's good news upload saturn emu to repo,what about pandora apps website,i wouldn't both with archieve one.

So when will we see another update on saturn emulator?

Which games run at ok speed with sound, i know panzer dragoon,radiant silvergun run so well?

The developer should start to work on nulldc asap,as we know it was faster than saturn one,does dev have pandora himself?
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Patience -- people do this in their free time, and it is hard work. Don't be pushy or demand anything.



Also it's most likely in the Beta section for a reason.. most likely the developer/porter wanted it to be slightly more stable before publishing to the repositories.
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