Where Is The Flood Of 3D Art?


Terminally lost
Sep 7, 2008
The Netherlands
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I saw the blogs this morning (official and unofficial) and read the the 3D models of the case were offered as a download. So I excitingly checked the forum to find some really nice art that you guys do so well. And nothing :(
I couldn't get the files to open in Blender. (Newest Release on OSX)
I clicked on all files, and none would open. It's not a machine lag (2.0Ghz Core2Duo, 4gb ram OSX 10.6).
Bosbeetle: Why don't you start us off with some nice renderings, and I'm sure others will follow in your foot steps.
I couldn't figure out how to open the file in Maya. I enabled the STL import plug-in, but no dice. Google didn't seem to help much either. Any other Maya users out there that could lend me a hand? Using OS X if it makes any difference.
Just a message to confirm that the meshes are OK, they are being processed with no problem within Blender (Windows XP). I just downloaded the last Blender binaries yesterday(a simple ZIP unpacking) and imported the model parts one after another. (I wish the real Pandora could be downloaded too!)
@Bosbeetle: Importing objects is quite straightforward, but setting up an interesting scene to be rendered can be much longer, just be patient!
(Sorry for the approximate english.)
Shadowcat said:
Bosbeetle: Why don't you start us off with some nice renderings, and I'm sure others will follow in your foot steps.

sorry I know it is nice to start yourself but I am very very bad in anything remotely artistic. Especially 3d is far to challenging for me.

And sorry for my impatience.
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Imports fine in Mac Blender for me, just have to zoom out since the parts load in off center and out of view.
Wow - you mean ED actually did it? Wow. Not a format IMMEDIATELY accessible to me, but I'll obviously have to download it and see if I can convert it cleanly to .OBJ... this is GREAT news IMHO!

kingoddball said:
I couldn't get the files to open in Blender. (Newest Release on OSX)
I clicked on all files, and none would open. It's not a machine lag (2.0Ghz Core2Duo, 4gb ram OSX 10.6).

Zoom out, they are really large and not centered

//Edit: Darian said it too.. Oh, I'm working on a baked, low-poly version atm btw. I'll release it in a Pandora Mesh pack with the Pandora logo as 3D Mesh, the text and a low-poly Pandora. All to be used in realtime graphics such as demos, games and possibly in instruction booklets or such stuff.
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My wish list:

- Tron style artwork. It´s not just wireframes with cool lighting, it needs to know the style from the movie.
One of them could show the motherboard drawed in the style of Tron grids and the intro when entering the Tron world.
- 8bit style rendering of Pandora.
- Make Asmo (where are you?) to reinitiate the Retro Pandora Makeovers again, forum thread here.
- Futuristic (joke) artwork. Showing it like the ultimate Star Trek-like device or ultimate spy accesory like stopping a bomb, controlling a one of those killer laser satellites, launching a misslie... by using the "power of an open Linux platform in the palm of your hand".

And then...

Make animated ads and sequences with nice music for the mentioned styles. They could mimic movie ads, 80s computer ads and such.

For example, it could be nice to show OpenPandora Ltd. staff imitating known ads showing Pandora as like if being an ad for a new model from those days.

Futuristic ads can be used as humorous ads but showing real features, appealing geeks and nerds over the world. They can be even short stories parodying popular movies, like James Bond and such.
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I had no problem importing the file in blender (linux version). Just go to import and select the right file format.

I don't know how to use blender though ><
I'm getting close to creating a full render but having difficulty with the key mapping. I'm going to do the text by hand I think as that would look best. Which font was used on the keys again? Least if I do it by hand I can play with colour schemes etc :)

These are rendered in C4D (sadly I don't have the advanced render module as it was a little too pricey on top of C4D and mocca (v10) and my personal budget can't stretch that far yet sadly. Damn pain being all legal and mainly working in 3D as a hobby :(

www.pawprintspad.co.uk/p10.mov (quicktime object).

are my latest efforts but watch this space :) if you go back from p1 to 9 you can see my previous efforts. I will also work on animating the pandora in the near future too.
]Not really art...

All of my clients are snowed in so I've been screwing around figuring out settings for global illumination in C4D - thought I'd use the pandora mesh to try it out.

I'll try to play around with it more later


someone does know how to reduce the number of poly
DroneB Dev said:
someone does know how to reduce the number of poly

It's an interesting field of study, automated poly reduction. Personally I would suggest a google search for "poly reduction" or "mesh decimation " and so forth and wade through the responses - it's been a long time since I tried to do that automatically so I'm not sure I could offer the best tool advice. It seems, however, that blender itself is supposed to be able to do this, at least to some degree.
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and the models are gone mweston thought is would be enough for a compagny to make a mock-up

So if somebody you dont know from the forum starts nagging you about those models don't give them :D
Cinema 4D has quite a few options to automatically reduce the poly count including a dedicated poly reduction deformer. Is it ok to share adapted models with people? A lower poly version would definitely be nice especially if someone separated all the components (keys, nubs etc). Would be nice to animate all the controls of the pandora.

Ah ok.. reading up maybe I'll stick to 2D renders :)
Dudes, remember that the STL files don't store triangle strips. This means that every triangle in the mesh is being drawn individually, and e.g. not as one surface like you'd expect from continuous sections of the mesh. This does of course also cause a *lot* of lag if you don't join the primitives.

This can be done in Blender by importing the mesh (File→Import→STL...), selecting the mesh (right-click), entering edit mode ([tab]), selecting all vertices ([A]) and pressing the "Rem Doubles" on the Editing button panel (that you can reach with [F9])

Things should run much smoother after you've done that.