Where Are All The Apps?


Still Fresh
Jun 13, 2008
So my friend got the Pandora a little while ago, and he seems disappointed with his purchase. He claims the developers stated that there would be plenty of emulators and other apps at launch. Well it's been almost a week since launch and the only emulator available is a "crappy SNES emulator that can't even go fullscreen" (his words).

I want my friend to be happy with his Pandora (or maybe I don't, perhaps I can convince him to sell it to me :P). But I ask for him: Where are all the promised launch apps?
This is where I start for everything: http://pandorawiki.org/Main_Page

From there, there's a bunch of things, like http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/pandora.cgi
coisbot said:
the only emulator available is a "crappy SNES emulator that can't even go fullscreen" (his words).
He's wrong: http://apps.open-pandora.org/cgi-bin/viewarea.pl?Emulators
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Has he checked recently? There's a lot of nice stuff that was just released (MAME being one of them!). As for the rest, he's just gonna have to wait. The main guys are busy building Pandoras, and the other devs are finding/fixing firmware quirks. Everyone else is patiently waiting for their own Pandoras to test their stuff on. Be patient, there will be plenty of stuff to play with in the coming weeks/months!

In the meanwhile, has he tried Pandora Panic, Quake(I/II/III), Free Heroes, Hexen, Battlejewels, C-Dogs, Giana's Return, Commander Keen, etc.?
There's also an NES emulator, Amiga emulator, Speccy emulator, DOSbox, Vice, etc.
There's a lot of stuff! And many of these are early releases that are expected to get better over time. :)
coisbot said:
So my friend got the Pandora a little while ago, and he seems disappointed with his purchase. He claims the developers stated that there would be plenty of emulators and other apps at launch. Well it's been almost a week since launch and the only emulator available is a "crappy SNES emulator that can't even go fullscreen" (his words).

I want my friend to be happy with his Pandora (or maybe I don't, perhaps I can convince him to sell it to me :P ). But I ask for him: Where are all the promised launch apps?
So why did your friend buy a Pandora?

Tell him I will buy it from him today, just PM me.

Then he can go buy a DS, PSP, Ipod touch, or the Caanoo.

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He has to also keep in mind that half promised apps are waiting for devs to get their Pandoras so they can finish or improve some of those emulators. One of two TG16 emulators is even on it's way so between that, MAME, NES, SNES and the Pandora native games there are quite a few things already to keep him entertained (if he's not into the computer game emulations like Amiga though he might want to give that a look because they've got some really nice games) and it's only the first1 or 2 weeks since the system hit anyone's hands in a mass production consumer form.
i imagine your friend isn't one who plays anything older than the nes.

as developers get their own pandoras, there will be more games and applications. other developers are furnishing their emulators too. if all your friend wants is psx, n64 and stuff like that, he'll have to be a little patient.
Apps are added daily, just be patient. Or tell your friend to be patient, whatever. Off the top of my head, UAE, Mame, Hu-Go!, Quake2, Quake3 and some Hexen/Heretic stuff. Fennec. I'm sure I have missed some.
Your friend is very lucky he has his so early. There are many developers (myself included) that are further down the queue that are still waiting for their confirmation of dispatch email... Once more devs have their Pandoras and ED and Craigix, etc are able to do something other build Pandoras, the apps will continue to be improved.

There is plenty of things you can already do with the Pandora if you look at what IS available. Maybe your friend is waiting for a specific emulator and that's what this is about...
Besides .. Patience - it's been a whole *week* - I mean Sony had what, like 5 games on launch for psp :)

and he snes emu does full screen full speed just fine :)

craigix said:
Hmmm. So tell us more about your friend. Does he live under a bridge?

Well you would know right? do you have a delivery adress:

John Doe
Underneath motorway M6
near staffordshire

Edit: srry, could not resist ;) And seriously, there should be enough available already to keep you entertained for a while. And loads more coming!
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Guess with mame up, should have a lot of games available?
Only saw quake 2 up from the quake line up.
But as mentioned things seem to be going up quickly, and improved on a daily basis.

To be honest I'm surprised he's so far up the list, and not kept an eye on the forums since getting it.
That's just amazing he waited so long but has little idea of what's happening. Not meant as insult.
skeezix said:
and he snes emu does full screen full speed just fine :)


huh? How do I make SNES run full screen? I tried selecting full screen in the munu but it didnt do anything
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my friend calls bullshit on trolls
give it time. would prefer finished and polished apps to half done ones
This might not be so much a troll as someone only focused on a couple of specific apps that havent been quite finished. We shouldn't pull out the torches just yet. Bullshit has been called, that should be sufficient for now.
coisbot said:
Well it's been almost a week since launch and the only emulator available is a "crappy SNES emulator that can't even go fullscreen" (his words).

Tell you at your friend that if the SNES emulator is crappy, then he have the guts and program something better.
Can you believe it! How easy it is to criticize the work of others! :angry:
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