Pandora VS Smartphones

Avoid people tracking you!!!

OpenPandora tool of choice for your spy and "dissident" :D
Well, the only smartphone that I know of that can actually compete with the pandora in terms of raw functionality is probably the n900. But that basically is a pandora.
Well, the only smartphone that I know of that can actually compete with the pandora in terms of raw functionality is probably the n900. But that basically is a pandora.

It is a pig to play speedball on it, controller ftw!!!
Well, the only smartphone that I know of that can actually compete with the pandora in terms of raw functionality is probably the n900. But that basically is a pandora.

It is a pig to play speedball on it, controller ftw!!!

True. Still, it's great to have a phone/pandora hybrid always with you. And the gamegripper helps on most cases.
well the thing is the one is phone, the other a gaming console. I like to have a phone that acts as a phone, and just that nothing more nothing less. I like to be called on it and call with it. The other thing the pandora I use for all the other thing.

I am not a big fan of just mashing together fuctionalities, however I would like a bottle opener in my phone :)
Have you seen the ICP bite that is Game Gripper?

I see on engadget just now

no nubs, but otherwise pretty much similar thing, allowing add on controls to mobile phones

personally I'll just buy the xperia play and have the controls built in - I'd still get an ICP for my iPhone though
I am not a big fan of just mashing together fuctionalities, however I would like a bottle opener in my phone :)

I know you don't have an iPhone but I don't know what you have but I Am sure there is one for your phone. FTW. Or if not, there is always superglue. ;)
Try to use a phone with a wii gamepad while sitting on a bench or while walking.

You'll need a second pair of hands

I don't think that on-screen controls qualify as real gaming controls.

Even more when they block the view in-game.

Rubberband works. Ands why you playing while walking? Didn't you see the kid falling onto subway tracks playing a psp? Crucial god of war session going on.
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Pandora Vs Smart Phone(s) ????

To the original poster....

It all depends on what you want to do with it -- the purpose of using the device. For my purpose, I have chosen the Pandora. I am on the waiting list -- and patiently waiting!! :-)

Personally, I have never really saw the fuss of wanting a Smart Phone. I know this will spark anger to some smart phone fanboys... but I have absolutely no need to purchase one. As a software developer (yes, I have even made some iPhone apps) I understand that there is a market for them. It provides great flexibility by some great apps. In that respect they are cool devices. However, it has never made me feel the urge of owning one.

As far as phones go, I am quite happy with my 5+ year old nokia, with a basic colour screen, 1.2 mp Camera, and 3 simple Java games. I have all I need -- Phone calls and text messages.

The only time I can see myself purchasing a Smart Phone is where there are only Smart Phones available, and that my current phone is completely dead!

I know I have (in some ways) diverted my response away from the original topic. However, this is MY reasons for wanting a Pandora. The smart phone does not cater to my needs as a computer user. The Pandora, however, is very much a mini-laptop. A small, light laptop that fits in my pocket. Great for on the go!! I can do whatever as if I was on my main desktop PC. I also have much more freedom as a user with the Pandora.

My views are obviously VERY different to other peoples views, including your mates. His needs are met with a Smart phone. My needs are (going to be) met with a Pandora. I respect his decision so he should respect mine. With that, he should respect YOURS! You need to sit back and re-think your decision for wanting a Pandora. Think outside the gaming world. What benefits would you have with a Pandora? Or, is a smart phone best suited for your needs?

I personally would not bother getting into a dispute on which performs better games. There will be advantages and disadvantages for both. Although if all I wanted was to JUST play games, I would probably consider a DS or a PSP before considering a Smart Phone. You can even mod these devices. Again, from my perspective, it seems that smart phone is left out, again.

Still, the Pandora is advertised as a Games system first... despite the fact it is much more than a games system. Still, same can be said for Smart Phones.

As a general computer user, GNU/Linux geek, software developer, and a partial gamer, the Pandora is the ideal choice for me. Cannot wait!!!