Gp32 Buying Info & Recommendations....


Still Fresh
Feb 7, 2005
Hello to all,
After following Gp32 scene for sometime, I finally decided to go forward and get GP32-BLU console for myself. I guess I can't go wrong knowing what this handheld can do (mp3, divx, emulating etc...). I serached all over the net for the best price and found lik-sang use to have the most affordable ones... After emailing them, I realized it might be a long time (don't wonna wait for) before they stock them again. So, there are 2 options available for purchase of a brand new units: and Since I'm in the USA, gp32z seems to be a better choice when it comes to import duties, but I would like to know how they perform when in product/customer support. The Gbax looks and feels more professional; bundles seem to be more complete, offering Rf link and free SMC game. How to be sure that I'm not getting troublesome BLU+ hardware? How big is a real time difference in all aspects (mp3/divx and gaming) between up to 166mhz and guaranteed 166mhz speeds? Thanks for all help.
Someone will be here in a few minutes to confirm, but from what I've heard GP32z have great service. I know from experience gbax do. If you need any support, the owners of both frequent this forum, so both are safe.

I think it's pretty much certain that you'll get a "troublesome" BLU+ version, although that is becoming less of a problem as software gets updated.
Mark posted on Feb 7 2005 at 04:36 PM said:
I believe that the pack with the link is where most BLU+'s live.
So, if GP32z is selling GP32s without the additional stuff like Gbax, it means that they are non BLU+???
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considering how little the rf link is used in any comercial games or even home brew the rf link isn't that worthwhile so it dosn't really matter. I don't even know of another person who has heard of a gp32 in my surrounding area and I live in a big city so I for sure don't have a lot of friends with gp32's to play multi player with. I hvae na rf link gathering dust in it's perfect box looking brand new if anyone has a need for it then I would be more than happy to sell it for 5 bucks plus shiping. Otherwise I'll hold onto it and the packaging with my gp32 as a collectors item.