Poll: Stock Gp32's, How Fast Can Yours Go?

Tobriand posted on Dec 5 2004 at 04:38 PM said:
Ahem... 254 please :)

Not that I'd ever run it at that speed for more than a couple of minutes, but it does hit such heady heights without a mod. God knows how.
Ahem...256 :)

edit: you can change the cpu speed of drmd in the gui up to 180mhz
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ZOMG!!!!!!!! DONT OVERCLOCK IT IT WILL BURN OUT YOUR LCD!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o :P

unmodded FLU here... 156 (maybe 160, dunno)
Seems the unlit and FLU ones at least, seem to be pretty overclockable. Not everyone specifying what GP they have, so, hard to say. This does fit the trend I've seen rummaging thru old posts though, that the BLU's apparently are the least overclockable of the bunch... do I have that right?

Well I've got my fingers crossed on this one... as long as it can O/C high enough to run my genesis and pc engine emus at full speed that will be good enough for me.

Keep the posts coming... and try not to forget to say WHICH GP32 you have!
Well, there's hope for you. If it does go to 166, your a happy camper.
If it doesn't, I think you can send it in to somewhere, and for $10 or so, they'll get it to 166. Or you could do the mod yourself, or you could cancel your order, and
get a O/C gauranteed one.
2 blu's I've ordered about a month ago go 160 and 166 mhz, both unmodded. I remember from the poll a little while ago though that most unmodded blu's actually went higher, but I can't find that thread anymore (a little clue to those people that started screaming there was a thread, how about you offer a link? And I'm pretty sure it was longer ago than a week...)