Blu Info


Nov 12, 2003
Warwickshire, UK
Seeing as I opened up my BLU as soon as I got it, I thought I'd share a little info on it's internals.

My BLU's speakers are different to the ones that were in my FLU, looks like they *may* have a bigger driver on the back. They seem to sound better to me, although it's hard to tell.

The BLU's LCD screen part number is LTP350QV-E07-00R I think, at least that's whats on the back of the screen. [EDIT] this turns up nothing in google, but there is a similar part no. on the screen LTS350Q2-PE2 (seems to be used in H22xx IPAQ's), which turns up results:

The LCD driver chip is different to the one in my FLU, it is made by XILINX, couldn't be bothered to take down the model number of the chip.

The CPU is covered by a foam backed pad, preumably to protect it from the BLU screen and vice-versa.

The BLU connector is different (as mentioned on GBAX - Longest Day), although I think it might come off. Seems to have 2 small groves that a small screwdriver would fit under, and hopefully lift the connector out of what seems to be a slot (Will try this later). It if wont disconnect, then there is virtually no way to upgrade BLU's to 32/64mb, unless you know Johnny 5 :( :( :( :(

The memory chip is made by Samsung (FLU was Hynix), also mentioned on GBAX - Longest Day,

A number of smaller (16-leg) chips are no longer made the the same manufacturer as they were in the FLU.

The USB port uses a different connector. Your old GP32 USB cable won't fit anymore.

I thought the BLU screen looked a lot darker than my FLU, when both had the light turned off, but then again, I havnt seem my FLU in action for ages, so maybe I am wrong.

My BLU overclocks to 400Mhz, battery life is ~14hrs at this speed, my FLU could only reach 166Mhz. If you hold down "select" for 5 seconds, it grows wings and turns into a jet as well.
Oh baby, the connector for the BLU screen comes out REALLY easy. The ribbon is attached to a plastic block with pins on it, so no need for a ribbon slot + lock mechanism!

Just put a small screwdriver underneath the 2 grooves in the slot, and gently work the plug upwards, alternating between each groove until it pops out, then you can pull the ribbon + plug through the hole, and the PCB is free from the screen.

It simply plugs back into the socket on the PCB.

So now you can all go and mod ur BLU's to 64mb 8) (And if you still want Johnny 5 to do it for you, head over to

While on the subject of the screen, it looks like Gampark used the same GP32 cases, and had to ram the screen in to fit, as a bit of the plastic on the inside of the case is rough and bent slightly, at the corner of the screen. A really tight fit by the looks of it ;)

My BLU overclocks to 400Mhz, battery life is ~14hrs at this speed
What the ----?!? 400!
He was taking the piss.....

If you hold down "select" for 5 seconds, it grows wings and turns into a jet as well.

Otherwise he would n't have written this, i think...

So now you can all go and mod ur BLU's to 64mb 8) (And if you still want Johnny 5 to do it for you, head over to

Will do when Aquafish makes a 32/64mb firmware... :D
*not using Johnny five obviously...
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My BLU overclocks to 400Mhz, battery life is ~14hrs at this speed
What the ----?!? 400!
He was taking the piss.....

If you hold down "select" for 5 seconds, it grows wings and turns into a jet as well.

Otherwise he would n't have written this, i think...

So now you can all go and mod ur BLU's to 64mb 8) (And if you still want Johnny 5 to do it for you, head over to

Will do when Aquafish makes a 32/64mb firmware... :D
*not using Johnny five obviously...
Lol....I just saw "400" and didn't see the rest. Never mind.
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I've just noticed something else with my BLU.

If I turn it off and then on again quickly, nothing appears on the screen (as used to happen with the normal GP32). However, with the BLU, it seems that the time you have to wait before turning it on again is MUCH longer.

Anyone else noticed this?
there are some apps, games and emus on the roll

and if you keep thinking that no app supports it, so you dont have to dare to mod it then the devrs will be like "close to zero has 32/64mb, so we can just keep using 8mb" and there won't be apps, etc. :P
(well, this is very exaggerated, but you still should do the mod for the sake of whatsoever ^^)
There aren't any yet, though a fair few dev'rs have mentioned that they'll add compatibility if it becomes more than a gimick...