What's your biggest fear in life?

sony is right, thats where i pulled it from, another death fear of mine would be to die in a volcano, i love playing with fire as much as the next idiot, but burning to death is likely the only way i dont want to die
Death by volcano is more or less an instant death though?
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The Pandora. ;) Naaah ;)

I'm not afraid of death, if I die, well, I won't care about it after that.

I'm more afraid of what unfinished stuff I leave behind when I die...

Right now, the Pandora IS my main concern. I'm still afraid something might go REALLY wrong and we can't continue with that. I had that fear every now and then.

But on the other side, this is no big deal, compared to other things in life.

As long as everyone I know and love is safe and sound, I'll know I'll survive any problems I encounter in life. Might be hard, but I will not go down as long as my family and my closest friends are doing fine :)

So probably my biggest fear really is being alone, having no one to help you when you're down... because being down can lead to bigger problems if you don't have someone who cares for you.
I have read too much computer architecture and read too much about neural networks and read too much sci-fi to expect anything at all after death. the brain is a biological computer and that's all there is to it. so what happens to your computers session when you turn it off? do each session have a soul? or do the entire computer have a soul? This is the reason i run Linux, it give each session a worthy and relatively long lifte, while Windows is something of a mass murderer.

Oh did i say that i will take my masters degree in robotics next spring?

i love androids, but i do not like android os... will re-build my Nokia N900 into one of those cute cellphone androids from Chobit when i get time...

oh right, my fear, i do not fear death, to fear death is to fear life, because you can not have one without the other.

i also think its really stupid to be proud of something you are born with (race,nationality,etc) i mean, its not like you have achieved anything. The only people that can be rightfully proud over their country is the immigrants that have made an active choice.

oh, right.. my fear..

I must agree with ED, my greatest fear is to grow old and die, alone, without love.

I must have Love, without Love there are no purpose in life.

We do not live long, so lets try to make it as fun and great as possible while it lasts.

I live by: "shit happens, and then you die".

Offtopic, on my topic :P

Anyone who likes AI, ARM, FPGA and Robotics or have a fear for skynet should read up on this:


a "light weight" survey of the subject and a brief introduction to neurons and AI can be found here:


a paper from last year by me and a classmate.

I do not want to appear as a TROLL or start a flamewar. this is just my honest opinions.
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Ok, guys... I'm reading some of your fears about unpleasant ways to die but... Seriously? Is that all?

I can think of much worse:

Sure death by volcano is awful, but the good ol' being burnt slowly at the stake has to be unimaginably painful, especially if your persecutors know what they're doing and manage to prolong the process for a few hours...

How about this: Some sicko goes to the trouble of embedding about a dozen or so razorblades (only a few mm of blade visible) in a nice long water slide and fills the pool at the bottom with lemon juice. He then binds your hands and feet so you have no option of stopping yourself with the use of friction... He then launches you down the slide face first.

He repeats doing this until your skin is hanging from you in strips and you die from blood loss (will take a long time as the cuts are very shallow).

You are again bound and put inside a large box. Only one extremity (an arm) is secured outside the box so a drip can feed you nutrients. Inside this box a perfect environment has been created to support the life cycle of the Botfly - of which there are hundreds. The Botfly lays eggs under the skin of mammals and the maggot feeds on tissues after hatching then falls out and pupates.

I'm sure you could be kept alive quite a long time this way...

Nice and simple: being slowly fed through an industrial sized mincer.

Being eaten alive by wild animals - surely you've seen some of those horrific nature documentaries where the zebra/wildebeest is still alive and *watching* the lions chow down on their own intestines?

This one makes me ill just thinking about it:

Have you watched American History X? That part where Edward Norton forces that fellow to open his mouth wide and bite the edge of the curb... Then kicks down hard on the back of his head. >.<

Ok, that's enough now... I don't want to think about these things anymore...

As for some real fears of mine:

Getting old without ever attaining financial security.

2012 happens and we get knocked back into the stone age - I.e. no more electricity, Internet, computers, or power tools.

I remain jaded for the rest of my life and find I am incapable of feeling love for anyone.

I never write that book/s I've been so passionate about since I was still in high school.
Dude, you've got one fucked up imagination :D
There's worse stuff than that in my poor tortured mind - but I *would* get a severe warning and my post *would* get deleted. :unsure:

We're sorry you totally high in 'high' school

Only in my final year. (and afterwards)

I thought up stuff like this long before then - probably because I was such a freak - all the other kids gave me a real hard time in school from about std3 all he way until std9. ;)

(Std 10 is the final year)
*Fear of panic attacks/social situations/general anxiety.

*Fear of my panic attacks retaking control of my life and becoming agoraphobic, avoiding all people and things.

*Fear of my fear of people overpowering me and becoming agoraphobic, avoiding all people and things.

*Fear of failure of even simple tasks.

*Fear of continued unemployment.

*Fear of friendlessness (#1 and #3 contribute to this. As of now I still have no one I'd consider a friend).

*Fear of lonliness.

Sure death by volcano is awful, but the good ol' being burnt slowly at the stake has to be unimaginably painful, especially if your persecutors know what they're doing and manage to prolong the process for a few hours...

While burning at the stake would suck, it doesn't take as long as you would think. I read an article (I don't remember where) on what it would be like to die certain medieval deaths. The smoke is what kills you. Your lungs fill up and you drown in your own fluids. Being put into the gibbet alive. Now that would suck.

One of my fears is being eaten alive underwater by zombie sharkodiles. It's a hodgepodge of my lesser fears.

As was said before, failure is a terrible thing. I always fear that. More than death.

Edit: Ok, using a small fire would prolong it. I was thinking they only made big fires. Death by the wheel would suck too.
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Middle of the ocean filled with sharks would suck more though. :(

Didn't someone famously once say

we all die alone

...I watched that batman yesterday

shark repelant bat spray from the chopper, classic moves
Didn't someone famously once say

we all die alone

...I watched that batman yesterday

shark repelant bat spray from the chopper, classic moves

I wouldn't say Malcolm Reynolds was very famous... :P
Never heard of him..

It's the quote which is more famous than the man :)