Started Vns Game :)


can't be longer than 2 months right?
Oct 20, 2003
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after 2h of understanding how the system in vns goes i started to make a Dragonball Z VNS Game :P
It starts with the landing of Vegeta and Nappa (radditz saga is boring :rolleyes: ) and its going pretty well B) (at least for me)
Im thinking of adding much choices and maybe even fights where you can die or win, but in most cases its just a electronic book with pictures and bgm :rolleyes: (but i like it 'till now :) )

Firstly, i wanted to make a hentai game but the problem was i couldnt get many pictures and many "poses" of one and the same person or so :ph34r: , and as you will be happy with paradise heights 2 :P i thought why not making this.

btw. vns is a *very* great tool for making (text) games and its pretty fun check it out :ph34r:

btw.² i think game is ready in a month or less or so :blink:

The only thing i need yet: A Title.
Anyone got an idea? i thought about DBZ Saga or so :ph34r: but thats a bit boring, isnt it :blink:
jegHegy posted on Feb 7 2004 at 08:39 PM said:
don't change the aspect ratio of images, they will look distorted (like in the pic above).
yeah, vegita may be a midgit, but he aint that short XD
Of course Goku and Vegita are short compaired to anyone else too *sept krillin*
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Right, I will edit some pics :)

Azure, expect something like in radical Dreamers, where you can choose if you want to block, attack, etc.
But well, i dont know if there will be so much fights <_< its a bit complicated to make one battle, but anyway i will see what i can do.
Even if you can only get one or two fights in, it would be good to have them in.

Will it be just follow the text or will you have options in the story to stear it in a different direction?

What i mean is something like Vegeta walks into a room which has two exits and you get an option to take either door. Depending on the door you take depends on which way the story will develop.
First fight :lol: (well this fight is quiet simple yet, but anyway, its fun :rolleyes: ):

To the scretched pictures: I think the pic is my signature is quite miserable because of the scretching but imo all the others in my game are nice :)
well, gotta make some more screens soon and then youll see :)

The Mole, choices will (and some are yet) be integrated in the game, but i dont know if they will be soo complex that it totally changes the history. Well, we'll see :P

btw. i could need some help:
I am german and saw only the german dbz episodes.
So, the thing is, i need all the USA names for all teh characters.
is there a page or can someone list them all?
Somethign like Vegeta (in german) is in US Vegita, right?
Gokou? Or Goku?
i don't want that you make a french version, i want just you send source .vns to me or washo :)
if you want when you want.. :)
Well, the source .vns will be included in the first release, because without it the game wouldnt run but thats clear ;)

Ah, and if somebody knows where to get (dragonball) 4 channel MODs or WAVs, i would be very thankful :rolleyes:
i didnt put music in yet, im doing that at last :)
Great to see you have used the VNS engine

Glad to hear people are using VNS for more games/novels :)

1 thing i noticed tho you should use sprites instead of background it will be easier for you and look alot better :)

there are heaps of dbz background without the characters in them around so u can easily use background from earth namek etc.

Also another consideration could be to use the pointer function for like picking up items but in your case you would select where to hit them and each enemy would have a diff weak spot ;)

it might seam a bit hard to program the vns to make it have alot of fighting sceans but its worth it :)

This DBZ story sounds really good. Please let me know if you think VNS is missing some features. I will see what I can do to incorporate them.
i like the RTL 2 logo in one of the corners :)
hmm the speakers were really bad in the german version.. i liked the mangas much more..
Still a cool idea :)