What's More Attractive To You? Gpx2 Or Xgp?

Which is the most attractive option for you?

  • GPX2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • XGP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Think I'll stick with the GP32

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PSP

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Others...

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  • Total voters

Jarska333 posted on Aug 5 2005 at 05:32 PM said:
Confuses with Jaguar, methinks. "Do the Math!"

Sorry thank you for pointing that out, so how does that distract from the rest of the post or do I have to repost it changing one word.

I did the math, and wrote some programs, and did some tests. What have you done, In future I assume you will proofread my posts.

Although I think you are the ideal person to comment on emulation

Point to consider, I should think, that it is somewhat likely, that the 200MHZ CPU may be much more powerful than 200MHZ overclock GP32 CPU, when considering MIPS, MFLOPS, and other things, that actually determine the raw power of any system. Some sort of (simple) benchmark utility should clear any doubts about the actual power, compared to GP32. Say, have both of the machines run 1+1+1+1 for a minute, and see which gets a higher number. (Might be a very high number... ph34r.gif But the general idea is there...)

That is the best benchmarking program I have ever seen written. I am still laughing about it. clearly you are highly informed.
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Angel posted on Aug 5 2005 at 05:30 PM said:
Cyclops posted on Aug 5 2005 at 04:50 PM said:
the lynx being a 64bit machine,

somebody knows nothing about the lynx.

And you can't honestly tell me that my point of view of waiting til the hardware is actually released to see what it can do is rubbish. That would be the stupidest thing i've ever heard if so and I bet there are a lot of people that are NOT buying this thing until some time after it is released because they want to see what its capable of doing in real time, not on paper or in someones mind.

Your right I don't, never owned one, didn't want one, don't care if its emulated. :)

Sure I can watch me. full speed SNES, AMIGA, or even megadrive is more possible on the GPx2 than the GP32. If linux was fully utililised, there is no reson why many new emulators not come working out the box. Obviously just because of the specs in question I can comforatbly say many more games are possible in MAME than was previously hoped on the GP32. Obviously there are many issues involved in emulation, and a quick ratio of 12x power does not always apply. The amiga having specialist hardware for graphics etc. Obviously emulators require specialist knowledge of the hardware, or a port of a current emulator from someone already has.

Lets face it nobody is completely in the dark. These emulators exist already on many different platforms, we know how powerful a machine has to be, to emulate a certain device. There is a confusion about the chip in the GPx2 two CPU's and 4 video co-processers, although most people do except that its just to its gonna be at least 2X as fast as the old one, and its not limited as much by memory problems any more, with more RAM and SD.

If no-one actually speculated about what can it be done emulation would never have existed, or much of anything else for that matter.

In fact I'm not just speculating about emulators but commercial open source games, linux games, video applications, hell whether I can SSH to the device and compile on it. Whether I can write an SDL game for linux and it will work on a GPX2 with little/no tweaking. How programs wrote in the original SDK could be moved to new platform.

Wait and see, just rubbish. If you'd compiled wesnoth with the --mini-gui flag set and said it runs using only 188Mhz and 16meg, with the halo effects turned off, this might just work on the GPX2 It would have been of better value than. Or I've bought a book in game programming in SDL is it any use, but no you wait till someone else does it. The GP32 was about having a go. The GPX2 is a better device for that. Why don't you stop *waiting* for the devs why don't you be one, its a damn sight better than I've no opion so nobody else should have one crap.

I've corrected the above so you should be happy, and be able to respond sensibly. Rather than correcting a minor mistiake, that distracts nothing from the points.

Have a opinion. The GP32 was a always a dead handheld, and was reserected by people putting time and effort into creating programs for it. "See what it can do?" well it looks to me like its designed to do what the GP32 can only better, and is marketed at that. Or did I miss something. GPH is trying to move the GP32 forward, and in my opionion look to have done a sucessful job.
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this is amazing, i agree that GPH is doing a good job at trying to bring out something like this, but to call something successful that is not even released, with no sales projections, or anything is just plain dumb. I don't care if you code or not, you don't know what is going to happen either until the hardware is released unless your some psychic. Though unlikely, this thing could completely bomb, YOU DON"T KNOW, NOBODY KNOWS. What is so hard for you to figure out. The system is not released. You don't know how well it's going to sell, you don't know the programs that will be released, you don't know how easy it will be to code, , all you know is what Gamepark has told us, they could tell us they had XBOX emu on it and it ran at .000005 frames a sec.

this COULD have perfect SNES, it COULD have good AMIGA, it COULD have good Neo Geo CD, will it. Only time will tell and that is what people need to figure out, nobody knows how this will end up until people get their hands on it.
Angel posted on Aug 5 2005 at 06:26 PM said:
this is amazing, i agree that GPH is doing a good job at trying to bring out something like this, but to call something successful that is not even released, with no sales projections, or anything is just plain dumb. I don't care if you code or not, you don't know what is going to happen either until the hardware is released unless your some psychic. Though unlikely, this thing could completely bomb, YOU DON"T KNOW, NOBODY KNOWS. What is so hard for you to figure out. The system is not released. You don't know how well it's going to sell, you don't know the programs that will be released, you don't know how easy it will be to code, , all you know is what Gamepark has told us, they could tell us they had XBOX emu on it and it ran at .000005 frames a sec.

this COULD have perfect SNES, it COULD have good AMIGA, it COULD have good Neo Geo CD, will it. Only time will tell and that is what people need to figure out, nobody knows how this will end up until people get their hands on it.

Quite the reverse. I think we all have a vauge idea what it is cabable of thats the point. Everybody expects its not going to be hugely successful, We actually have fairly solid specifications from chip to screen to memory to storage. What you are actually talking about is anyone going to develop on it.

Now thats a different point. I don't know how easy it is code for, but considering they plan on people developing on it for their income I suspect it will be a little easier than was initially for the GP32, but I do know thats its going to use SDL unlike the original device which is in 80% of linux games. So its going to be easier to both port for, and more useful learning it, and means unlike you becuase I can code so I can use it day one Yay me!. You have to sit on the sidelines and watch others have fun.

I won't comment on the whole XBOX thing, I wouldn't want you to get embarrassed.

The reality is its the finding out thats fun, what did I like about the GP32, it was sharing with my friends the latest version of XXXX program, and the improvements to it. The GP32 is getting stagnent and this is the boost it needed to move it to the next level.
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The point is even though the hardware is not in our hands GPH has released a decent amount of info, enough so that the more knowlegable people in the community can make educated guesses.

Ask how big it will be what shape and how long it will be on or what games will be availible and yes you'll pretty much get an "I dunno" answer but ask "could it count to 500 faster than our last machine and if so how much faster?" and you'll get a fair answer based on things you can actually lay your hands on by someone.

It's alright to have a wait and see attitude but dont expect everyone else to share exactly the same motto.
i don't expect that, but i also don't think its fair to say that we can expect full speed SNES, Amiga, Neo Geo cd, or GBA yet, thats what i'm really getting at. There are a lot of people that are going to be basing their decision on buying this system based on those said systems and the truth of the matter is, nobody knows how well the systems will run until we get our hands on the hardware. And that is where my XBOX analogy came from, so make me look stupid cyclops. You can tell people it will run XBOX, and it might at some ridiculous slow speed, ala the PS1 emulator on the gp32, but its still running it, so just because the GPX2 might run newer systems from the GP32, you can't assume or tell people it will run full speed or good until we get our hands on the machine.
I have The GP32 "classic"

I.e, No backlight and can barely overclock.

So I'm pretty sure I'll be getting the GPx2, But the thing that will really sway me is A Neo Geo emu. In theory It looks possible. There should be enough grunt in there. Could someone say if even with the 64mb of ram that it could handle the huge roms?

It looks very sexy too.

EDIT: wow I feel old posting on this forum.
Cyclops posted on Aug 5 2005 at 08:05 PM said:
Jarska333 posted on Aug 5 2005 at 05:32 PM said:
Confuses with Jaguar, methinks. "Do the Math!"

Sorry thank you for pointing that out, so how does that distract from the rest of the post or do I have to repost it changing one word.

I did the math, and wrote some programs, and did some tests. What have you done, In future I assume you will proofread my posts.

Although I think you are the ideal person to comment on emulation

Point to consider, I should think, that it is somewhat likely, that the 200MHZ CPU may be much more powerful than 200MHZ overclock GP32 CPU, when considering MIPS, MFLOPS, and other things, that actually determine the raw power of any system. Some sort of (simple) benchmark utility should clear any doubts about the actual power, compared to GP32. Say, have both of the machines run 1+1+1+1 for a minute, and see which gets a higher number. (Might be a very high number... ph34r.gif But the general idea is there...)

That is the best benchmarking program I have ever seen written. I am still laughing about it. clearly you are highly informed.

What? :blink: Are you trying to diss me? And I do not know anything about programming, granted. But that does not justify your tone.

"Lynx" did not distract me in the least, obviously you were talking about the Jaguar. Highly informed people surely understand that, but nevertheles, for the few uninformed people a clarification is needed.

And that "Do the math!" bit was Atari's... slogan of sorts, trying to convince people that 2x32 bit processors = 64 bit processor. :P
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I'm excited about that prospect as well, but it seems that based on the specs we have, the XGP's emphasis on 3d means it will be less of an "emulation" machine which is what most people have a problem with.
I'm feed up with people bashing the XGP and screaming for emulation.

I'd prefer a good 3D racing game over a whole bunch of emulators whose graphics and sounds are way weaker than the system could do.

And having 3D hardware support does in no way imply to be any worse in 2D.
And having a TV-out is a plus and in no way a reason to buy it not.

As you see with the renaming, GPH are seeking distance to the GamePark 32.

BTW: When I'm on a trip with my GP32, I can't play emulators all the time, since they drain my batteries very quickly. That's an issue that noone seems to discusses.
Rockin posted on Aug 6 2005 at 06:37 PM said:
I'm feed up with people bashing the XGP and screaming for emulation.

I'd prefer a good 3D racing game over a whole bunch of emulators whose graphics and sounds are way weaker than the system could do.
There is nothing against 3D hardware if there is going to be a developer taking advantage of it but most game developers capable of creating good 3D games will not be making games for an obscure handheld but will make them for NDS or PSP instead.

If the XGP doesn't get a decent line of commercial games it's only use will be homebrew and emulation and when you compare the two systems for this purpose the XGP simply doesn't have any advantages (but will most likely be more expensive).

Most people are 'screaming' for emulation because that's what they want this handheld for, if they want commercial games they will get a PSP or NDS (at least that's the way I see it).
Rockin posted on Aug 6 2005 at 06:37 PM said:
BTW: When I'm on a trip with my GP32, I can't play emulators all the time, since they drain my batteries very quickly. That's an issue that noone seems to discusses.
Get better batteries. I can play for over 10 hours with one set of batteries (2100 NiMH) at 166Mhz. With four batteries and a fast charger you never run out of power (if you can't charge your batteries you can't charge a PSP either)
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Probably because few people play them for very long. I remember playing a few Fenix games for about an hour and a half and then getting maybe 2 hours out of DrMD before my freshly charged batteries died.

But anyway I think something needs to be focused on that's being missed. It's not that people arnt supporting the XGP because it's a bad system, it's just not neccessarily comming off as being the best for what people want. 3D is not what people don't like, it's that it dosent seem useful enough.

-Will it emulate PSone or N64 Because of the 3D chip? That's still unclear at the moment.
-If it can will it's processor even be fast enough to handle games by these system? because it takes more than just sticking a 3D chip in it if it costs more than the GPX2 and dosent do much more than it gameing-wise what the point of paying extra money for it?
-Will it truely be opensource? Who knows for sure? if it's closed then it's a waste and a hassle for Homebrew not to mention there are more powerfull closed systems like the PSP which Gamepark claims to be going head to head with in a battle they'll inevitably loose because their Commercial support will be a joke if the GP32's line up is any indication.

The GPX2 is getting more attention because its closer to release, there's more info, it's potentially cheaper. No it wont emmulate N64 or PSone but that's expected, there's no false hope there. Less potential for "comming up short". If I can buy that first and it satisfies my expectations the following system becomes moot, a pointless expendature.
Tie between Xgp and PSP. With PSP you have a much bigger community than the GP one, so you'll get more emulators that are updated much faster and what not. But I believe the Xgp will have much better specs, which should make emulation that much better.
with 200Mhz + 3D chip it will never emulate N64...slow psone possible, but that also possible on the GPX2, the 3D chip will be just good for commercial or homebrew games, not emulation. So the GPX2 with dualcore (if you can code fore both) will be better if your intrested in emus and 2D homebrew.
Rockin posted on Aug 6 2005 at 05:37 PM said:
I'm feed up with people bashing the XGP and screaming for emulation.

I'd prefer a good 3D racing game over a whole bunch of emulators whose graphics and sounds are way weaker than the system could do.

And having 3D hardware support does in no way imply to be any worse in 2D.
And having a TV-out is a plus and in no way a reason to buy it not.

As you see with the renaming, GPH are seeking distance to the GamePark 32.

BTW: When I'm on a trip with my GP32, I can't play emulators all the time, since they drain my batteries very quickly. That's an issue that noone seems to discusses.

You might as well just buy a PSP then. The XGP has nothing on a PSP and the PSP is out now. The XGP is like a weak PSP with no games, kind of redundant.

The GPx2 is more like a GP32 with the better screen ratio etc for emus.

So for emus buy a GPx2 or GP32

For 3D shit buy a PSP.
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