Whats Going On!

Fair enough, Mr. Fair enough.

That's a horrid scenario, really.
It seemed that (from information in this forum) the 2nd batch would get you all out of the hole. I didn't think it would be "a couple of batches".

I feel like an asshole now. Although my 2nd and 3rd posts were aimed at WizardStan (not an attack, just in response) over anything else.
Don't beat yourself up IMO. For every one person who says something on the internet, countless more are thinking the same thing but not saying anything. Now the discussion has been had for the benefit of those who bottle things up instead of just asking.
The idea for the streaming webcam of the production hall is genius.
You must really do this, the goodwill to the community and the publicity in the electronic gadget blogs will be priceless.

I too will happily hit the Paypal button when the streaming video of production is started.

How much does a pizza delivery to the production hall cost in US$?
j.pickens said:
The idea for the streaming webcam of the production hall is genius.
You must really do this, the goodwill to the community and the publicity in the electronic gadget blogs will be priceless.

I too will happily hit the Paypal button when the streaming video of production is started.

How much does a pizza delivery to the production hall cost in US$?

they can't build pandoras if they're eating pizza!
this place needs to be a sterile static free zone too! I don't want pizza bits in my pandora.
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Beholder said:
Anybody else gonna take a day off to watch assembly? I'm gonna order some pizza, get some beer, and yell things at my monitor like - “You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddie!”

If you don`t eat you`re meat, You can`t have any pudding.
How can you have any pudding, If you don`t eat you`re meat. :D

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Gruso said:
RoboShmup said:
I do want pizza bits in my Pandora.
I might ask if they can just put the anchovies on one half though.
"Anchovies on half" never works. The anchovy juice leaks across so that at least the first bite is evil.
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trooper said:
Beholder said:
Anybody else gonna take a day off to watch assembly? I'm gonna order some pizza, get some beer, and yell things at my monitor like - “You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddie!”

If you don`t eat you`re meat, You can`t have any pudding.
How can you have any pudding, If you don`t eat you`re meat. :D

Some might say that you're meat regardless of whether you eat or not...
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aliking said:
trooper said:
Beholder said:
Anybody else gonna take a day off to watch assembly? I'm gonna order some pizza, get some beer, and yell things at my monitor like - “You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddie!”

If you don`t eat you`re meat, You can`t have any pudding.
How can you have any pudding, If you don`t eat you`re meat. :D

Some might say that you're meat regardless of whether you eat or not...

I should have put that in quotes, As i was actually quoting the rest of what Beholder had said from Pink Floyd`s Brick In The Wall.

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Gruso said:
I think he's having a shot at you're your rogue apostrophe. ;)

[edit] Ninja'd. Your quick Line O' Sevens.

Silly me :rolleyes: , My excuse is, Mmmmmm, Quick, Ahhh, Yes, The guy (from Pink Floyd) that was saying what i had quoted
has a Scottish accent, So i thought it was more fitting to his accent to type it as you`re rather than your.
Sounds good enough for me. :D

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KodeIn said:
Rejoice my friends, for Pandora's time is near!

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Man ... I am always so surprised by the level headed members of the Panda team and their ability to wrangle an angry rogue thread into a worthwhile and interesting read. Gruso too.
Hahahaha. The OP team have good customer service, what more can be said.

They know how to calm an angry crowd down! I think I might have been the one who caused this thread to turn a little "rough". I do appologise.

Mweston is like a phantom - He only comes in when he feels it's time to show his presence.
craigix said:
mvickers03 said:
Hi Craig I tried to PM you but it says your not accepting PM's so please get in touch.. this is what I wanted to say anyway

"Hi Craig.. This is an offer to help with the production line on the Pandoras.. I have been fixing laptops for 8 years I do roughly 80 a week.. check us out on www.notebookrepair.co.uk.. GPU repairs and serious MB problems, Also Ipod and Xbox 360s.. I have also repaired many PSPs (as you probably know much more fiddly than our precious Pandora), and would love to come and help you guys build the Pandoras all I want in return is my Pandora when I have finished the weeks work.. Please let me know ASAP so I can book the time off work. I need at least 7 days notice"

That sounds pretty cool, but you might have to sleep in the front room as I've only got 4 bedrooms. You are welcome to take your Pandora away with you.

Sorry for late reply been busy all weekend :-)

I am definitely interested and have no problem with sleeping in the front room.. as long as you have a comfy sofa ;-) please drop me a line if you can as I still cannot PM you. best bet is Facebook.. www.facebook.com/mvickers03 I prefer to use FB as I check it most often.

Would be really awesome to meet you all and help. I can be available for about 6-7 days (5 of witch would be week days)

Please let me know more details and I will book the time off

Cheers Craig

Mark Vickers
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EvilDragon said:
Just wanted to add: I am going to have some coffee right now.

Sugar in that? What type of coffee? Will you be visiting the bathroom afterwards? Do you have to tie your hair up in a ponytail to stop it from dropping in the coffee?

You see, you can't just blithely walk in here and tell us you're starting a coffee process! We need to know specifics - what kind of milk, where from - is it proper cow milk? Will you be setting up a coffee-cam so we can monitor progress? You lot on the OP team think you're giving us updates, but in reality your posts can be misconstrued and the inevitable flamewar that results (from such simple things as full-cream, pasteurised, UHT issues) are pretty much your own fault.

Come on, make with the specifics you hairy beast.

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