What Will Be The Difference Between The Gp32 Flu

It will have a backlight (like the Game Gear) instead of a frontlight (like the GBA SP).

It also appears to have white buttons rather than grey, and a slightly different logo on the case.

We don't know yet but it will most likely have a lower battery life.

The hardware is proberbly the same, although they are some rumours that they will all overclock to 166mhz, although they won't be proved or disproved till later this week.
No the buttons and the logo are exactly the same one. ;)


Front BLU box
Back BLU box
BLU and content
do you got a BLU drumaster?

edit: WTF!!!! WOOT!!! it overclock to 200mhz look at page 2 in the overlocking topic

If it runs stable you could have even more frame rates, bitrate and sound quality on gpcinema WOHO!

... oh my god
that looks awesome... now i'm definitely getting one....

200mhz... wouldn't that mean they would have had to change the ram, or otherwise it doesn't make any difference to the actual speed i have head...
do you got a BLU drumaster?

edit: WTF!!!! WOOT!!! it overclock to 200mhz look at page 2 in the overlocking topic

If it runs stable you could have even more frame rates, bitrate and sound quality on gpcinema WOHO!
...and it would suck your batteries faster to death than you could say "oopsie, i think 200MhZ need a lot of power!"
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yeh but if 200mhz would work you could jus tuse it when plugged into the mains with a DC adaptor....
well yes, but what makes you think all of them would overclock that far, as only one person has said that his overclocks that far...
It may be a fact that 166 Mhz will be available for all BLU users by default without needing any modification.

But 200 Mhz, don't dream about it...in games it's not the same than in test. ;)

And yes it will be useless for GBAx to mod the BLUs. ;)