What Will Be On The Back Of The Shell?


Still Fresh
May 26, 2008
will there be a indented logo like the NDS has, or will it just be plain?
I hope it looks something like this:


Yeah, I know, it's just a black DS Lite with the controls removed and the Pandora logo... But that's kinda the point.

But notice, everyone - ROUNDED CORNERS! ;)
TyBO! said:
There will be a death-ray on the back that can burn down an entire village in a single blast.
Really ? I'm sure it's why the Pandora will be delayed...death-rays are hard to find these days !
I'm disappointed because I hoped for a more powerful weapon, like the one which can burn down an entire PLANET in a single blast...
What about a poll dealing with this really important issue ;)
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There was a poll to determine what sort of branding people wanted to see on the Pandora. It's anybody's guess whether or not it will be taken into account when the final cases are molded.
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I think if there's a logo on the front it will look too much like a DS lite. The last thing we want is the Pandora to look like a knock-off (we're already pushing our luck with the design IMO)
I want nothing. I want to get a custom laser engravement. a big PV, or a V, PoisonedV, or poison or zombie related imagery. This console is about hacking and customization- so why have one more thing to hinder us?
I want a bomb, nothing fancy, just ANFO or something placed on the back about 1cm thick, and first time you boot up Pandora you got about 30seconds to disarm it.

Would be a bang on hit feature I think and play well with the Pandora myth about opening it and bad things happen unless you react fast :)
squirrel said:
What Will Be On The Back Of The Shell?

It had to be done. :p
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Chip said:
Lurkio said:
It had to be done. :p
It didn't have to be done, but the world's a better place now that it has been. :p
Amen. :p

I dunno about the back; I was thinking perhaps the Pandora symbol, but I'd expect that to be on the top of the front shell. Probably just bay doors for batteries and the like, I'd expect. Maybe a sticker of some sort? Hell if I know.
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The back will have Pandora's 2048 bit activation code in Hex form, which you will have to call in to a non-automated jibberish speaking hotline and somehow manage to relate to in order to get a 2048 bit hex response code in jibberish. Pandora only understands English hex, so you will have to translate.

Sorry, if we're going to be adding more bloat, might as well suggest it.
Pretty much any engraving is extra bloat since it is not the focus of the Pandora in any form and is increasing cost. Why not just do your own engraving? There are generally places that will engrave the case for you as well. It is just plastic after all.
PoisonedV said:
I want nothing. I want to get a custom laser engravement. a big PV, or a V, PoisonedV, or poison or zombie related imagery. This console is about hacking and customization- so why have one more thing to hinder us?
Good point.
I'd luv a version of my Avatar on there, can't get much more personal than an avatar you've designed yourself.
Think I'd better buy me a new Dremel :D
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I don't have a precision dremel tool, and my hands are a but shaky when it comes to holding still :S
There are several ways depending to engrave or otherwise mark stuff, depending on the specific type of material used.

Custom Etching/engraving, (generally not worth the time unless its very simple)
laser engraving (looks best)
acidic type engraving (sort of cheap, but messy and easy to screw up)
spraypaint with stencil(obviously the economical choice)
PoisonedV said:
There are several ways depending to engrave or otherwise mark stuff, depending on the specific type of material used.

Custom Etching/engraving, (generally not worth the time unless its very simple)
laser engraving (looks best)
acidic type engraving (sort of cheap, but messy and easy to screw up)
spraypaint with stencil(obviously the economical choice)
Reading that I suddenly had visions of the top being a click-on click-off device where you can buy replacements or custom lids, like for some laptops. (Better send note to devs to produce extra 1500 tops for when we all trash them, or decide we want to change designs/avatars etc. Could be a nice little money spinner. hehe) ;)

The thought of a nicely done, personal lid is very appealing. Not sure I've got the skill or courage to try though.
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