What Website Shall I Base It On...

lol just keep it gp related :P make afreewebs account and fill it with unrelated stuff. I only gave this for gprelated stuff. lol i suppose eventually ill have to make you a new separate website for unrelated stuff. just thought id make a point


look at the pictures. Do you see stalkers crisps in there? OMG they are all to do with the Xbox 360!

P.S. many thanks with the design WarmFluffyUK :P
I doubt it's a DOS attack, if your site is with a reputable company, their Router will block all Denial Of Service attacks. It does appear they are down though. Even the Glowfactory home link is down. It could be for a number of reasons, maybee they have a router problem, or Maybee their main backbone link for whatever reason has died.

It's obviously serious but not a simple DOS attack.

Lets hope they get it sorted soon!