What Kind Of Graphics Can We Expect?


Still Fresh
Sep 30, 2008
I have been following the Pandora for quite a long time now, but I was wondering what kind of graphics we can expect. Better or equal to PSP's graphics power? I know it is going to be the most powerful handheld, but I don't know if that is only processing power. Thanks for any replies! :D
It's hard to say at this stage, but you could expect dreamcast quality. It could be on par with PSP, but depending on the game and development time that has gone in I'd say yes it could look better thanks to the panda's resolution and unified shaders :).

One thing is for sure the Panda will own the PSP's screen with its superior panel :)
It can put out more polygons than the PSP, but you need a dev that will use them. The best looking PSP titles take teams of programmers and hundreds of thousands of dollars to develop.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUOqR_2sACk&NR=1 (this is mbx, but i find it nice)
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In terms of graphical quality, panda can definitely run prettier things than the psp. But having lots of polys, large textures, complex and realistic shaders, all at the same time.. is another talk.
I still think (my own opinion) that a well programed game can crush psp's graphics with no problem
It's roughly 4 times more powerful then a psp, and it can do things the psp can only dream of doing ;) *cough* Shaders! *cough*

HOWEVER! Because it has double (or is that 4 times?) more pixels to render compared to the psp screen ... it could be hard to tell.

One thing's for sure, texture resolutions and quantity of textures are going to make a hell of a difference with 256 MB RAM compared to the psp's 32MB and 2MB VRAM used in commercial games ;) Difference will be night and day.
The games with the best graphics will definitely be ports.
Personally I'm waiting for the iD tech 4 (Doom 3) engine's source to be released, which is apparently going to be sometime this year.
Again it all depends on someone actually USING that power. If all we ever see are 2d games and emulators than it's not going to matter. Though I suppose it's still a good question in terms of what the emulators can do (ie. 3D games in MAME maybe?) but that's not idicative of the raw power of the system itself.
<semi-rant>It's right that it takes teams of devs to get commercial games looking nice and shiny.
But it is a pure assumption to say that the games with the nicest graphics will be ports. It's unfair on many counts:
1) It's different rules making homebrew than it is making a commerical product. You don't have a "budget/time/something else I forgot" triangle to worry about, just your own motivation...
2) It only takes one motivated individual to make a game... given enough motivation, you could go crazy like Bob... ok bad example.
3) Homebrewers can collaborate too! Once PandoraPanic! is done I'm taking Penjin kicking and screaming into 3D and I'm hoping some people will join me for the ride.

With that being said, I have every intention of bringing nice eye candy to the Pandora, hopefully sooner rather than later... I mean I need to improve my Portfolio after all. ;)</semi rant>
And to answer the opening question... somewhere in between DreamCast and GameCube.
I'm going to take the literalist approach to good graphics by just pasting a <expletive> of graphics all over the screen with no regard to artistic expression, gameplay, or even being an actual game.

The shaders will be critical in this effort.
MDave said:
HOWEVER! Because it has double (or is that 4 times?) more pixels to render compared to the psp screen ... it could be hard to tell.

this should give you a better idea
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Yigguth said:
MDave said:
HOWEVER! Because it has double (or is that 4 times?) more pixels to render compared to the psp screen ... it could be hard to tell.

this should give you a better idea
<img snipped>

ugh, so many pixels!

i think i'll use a low-res secondary render target instead ;p
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Alpha2 said:
Again it all depends on someone actually USING that power. If all we ever see are 2d games and emulators than it's not going to matter. Though I suppose it's still a good question in terms of what the emulators can do (ie. 3D games in MAME maybe?) but that's not idicative of the raw power of the system itself.
Right. Even the GP2X impressed with superb 3D graphic (Payback). It mostly depends onto the Skills of the Developers...and of course the Quality of the OMAP Drivers. :) I'm sure, that a Game with equal Graphics like Dreamcast or some kind of Doom 3 are no problem...but at first, somepne has to code this stuff...and never forget optimising, optimizing, optimizing... ^_^
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mali said:
The LCD has got a hardware pixel-doubling mode. 400x240 is the way to go in games.
From 400X240 to 800X480? I believe it's 4 times :blink:
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