Best graphics on pandora?


Still Fresh
Jan 16, 2011
So far the best graphics on mine is probably perfect dark. I'm wondering if theres any of the ported/homebrew stuff with graphics that take full advantage of the hardware that I can impress people with? I've seen talk of a doom 3 port but it seems a long way off from what I've seen. Anything approaching that would be great. Ta.
Quake3 > Perfekt Dark. At least in my opinion (playing both on pc and n64 and quake3 is realy nice).
Quake3 > Perfekt Dark. At least in my opinion (playing both on pc and n64 and quake3 is realy nice).

From memory I'd say they're both in the same league. Not played q3 in a while. Its hardly pushing the true graphical capabilities if theres realistic talk of doom 3. Its a shame because something like doom 3/quake 4 or similar that showed the pandoras power would be a nice selling point.
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Quake 3 is definitely more graphically intense than Perfect Dark. Perfect Dark isn't even close to competing with the id Tech 3 engine.

Some examples:




Quake3 > Perfekt Dark. At least in my opinion (playing both on pc and n64 and quake3 is realy nice).
Quake 3 was never on N64, console wise it was released on Dreamcast, Xbox and PS2..

As for other games, while this game doesn't have as much being drawn on the screen at once.. but this is one of my favorite native ports on the Pandora



Also for those with 1Ghz Pandoras the Android version of GTA III runs pretty well ..

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Hmm. Homeworld looks pretty nice. Getting that now. Not played it before. Is gta worth getting for a rebirth that does 1gh?
Homeworld was a Great game when it came out .. enjoy :)

Is Q3 actually playable by anyone? I never found a combination of controls that made it comfy :/


It was ok on the dreamcast and I cant see analog buttons making that much difference so why not just have that control scheme?
Dunno. Maybe that was a fast port ?

BTW i'd be interested in having the modified sourcecode. I don't know who made this pnd.
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By "best" do you mean "most advanced" because personally i'm not a massive fan of polygons i much prefer sprites generally. But i gotta say Vagrant Story does look real sweet through PCSX ReARMed, WZ2100 is awesome too (though i'd love to see an updated PND soon) and yes Homeworld does look yummy but also dont overlook Classic Pandora stuff like Frogatto (lovely sprites) & Super Geometry Dust or Excellent Bifurcation. Each have their own awesome style, although its less 3Dish. i could go on for ages theres so many good games with excellent graphics styles on the Pandy. I almost forgot AAAA and Fish Fillets both brilliant graphics!!

Though now i'm trying to remember one i saw years ago, was puzzley platformish kinda thing where you played a tarball that could stick to stuff (its definitely NOT World of Goo) no clue what it was called.... if you can remember please let me know, think it used to be on OpenHandheld website
Though now i'm trying to remember one i saw years ago, was puzzley platformish kinda thing where you played a tarball that could stick to stuff (its definitely NOT World of Goo) no clue what it was called.... if you can remember please let me know, think it used to be on OpenHandheld website
Do you mean Gish?
@ Monkfish:

If you like sprites, you might also like the look of Mega Mario.
Dunno. Maybe that was a fast port ?

BTW i'd be interested in having the modified sourcecode. I don't know who made this pnd.

Pickle did it; source is floating around; I know I've got a copy :)

Last I tried was my original CC edition unit and it was pretty wonky in general, so maybe it fares better on rebirth/1ghz units that are generally superior.. will have to try again :eek:

yeah, something about Paper Wars? yeah, someone might know something about that ...