What If This Forum Had Discussed The Gp32 Launch?


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
Rewind to around 4 years ago, the korean GP32 launch.

What sort of quotes do you think would spring up if we had the same negative attitude about the original GP32's korean launch?

"No screen lighting? Garbage! Absoloute garbage!" (Mind you this was the original launch ;), backlit and frontlit now.)

"The diagonals are impossible to reach, nay, nonexistant!" (Few people had this issue, and it was easily fixed.)

"No 512 SMC support? Doomed to failure." (And this wasn't even an issue easily fixed by firmware, but then again you could fit an emu and a movie on the same SMC fairly easily.)

"Only 3 hours of battery life? Am I playing a gamegear?" (Unbarring types of batteries however, which can give you a dramatic increase or decrease.)

"There are no working emus, hell, are there -any- emulators yet?" (Only true at launch, anyone with half a braincell and a quick trip to the download section can see that this statement has been rended and rendered false)

"The sound is horrid and I heard the speakers are reversed as well! GHASTLY!" (First part is from the "crackle" in some commercial GP32 games, but the community easily bypassed this in their sound codes I think, and the speaker reverse could be compensated with a little bit of audio code, like it even made a difference.)

"NES only runs at 10 FPS with no sound on frameskip 3, unacceptable!" (Runs fullspeed with sound with no frameskip/autoskip now, and genesis does too.)

"I'm not getting one, the korean posts says it's a horrible machine with bad commercial support, well I can't -read- the original korean but someone said it said so..." (Sorry, have to jab at folks who trust "translators" blindly, where were you guys when we were trying to translate the GP32 commercial games? :P )

"Nonstandard USB? What general acts of hackery and malcontent is this?" (And it really didn't matter a damn bit.)

No jabs meant at anyone in particular, just a jest for the general "Oh my god it's broken and jesus has come back for the second coming" attitude.

I realize that there are probably legitimate problems in a small minority of owners (Which can only be said once the damn thing has more than 500 of them in existance) but more than likely they can be fixed with little to no real effort. (Firmware, changing a plastic tab, things like that.) So relax, wait 2 months and see what happens.

(added comments in quotes to show people what i'm getting at, thanks lucoxade :lol: )
I hope you're being sarcastic, as pretty much everyone on this forum knows the GP32 has leaped and bounded beyond the ancient problems or doomsays of it's launch.
Not the thread for discussion, ;) make a new one and duke it out there.

But just to add, there are alot of little things, like faster ram, 34-50 more MHZ to throw around (200MHZ is the base clock speed of a single processor right? So make that around 60-100 more using just one processor if it can be overclocked as well as the original.) and there's still another processor and a 2D accelerator to be tapped into, I just don't expect them to be tapped into fully untill another batch is out and in the hands of more people, so I'm not on either side of the fence at the moment in honesty. I just take the "wait and see" approach.

After all, GP32 started out struggling on NES and ended up with a fullspeed genesis emulator that runs 80 percent of the games. (Which surprised alot of people, includeing me.) So it's all a matter of time.
LOL! I was just thinking the same thing RoboJoe... GameGear battery life... malcontent... that funny stuff.

reaper i know it wasnt you that made the comment about gamegear battery life, but im toooo drunk to start hacking the post above your a bit about..


didnt the gamegear carry 6 batteries?
There *is* a lot more expectation for the gp2x than there was for the gp32, it was an unknown that proved itself to be more than capable than first thoughts would have us believe. i am sure this will be the case for the gp2x, but expectations are high, people have ordered and waited 2 months for this to turn up (expect the psp/x360/nds/ps3 to have no nay sayers?) and now there are questions (i read my 2gb sd card will not likely work, will that end up being the same kind of issue as the 512mb smc issue?) which wont be answered until 6, 12 months down the line so it is understandable that people are frustrated that their questions arent being answered....

maybe we should "just have faith"
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(I read my 2gb sd card will not likely work, will that end up being the same kind of issue as the 512mb smc issue?) which wont be answered until 6, 12 months down the line so it is understandable that people are frustrated that their questions arent being answered...

Nah it's not going to be a 6-12 month down the line issue at all, firmware and driver issue as stated before, (They used an older SD driver is all.) At least that's the only issue i'm positively sure of in every way. So, whenever there's another firmware release or patch it'll fix it.

And people are having questions answered, but they're scattered through threads which is a bit annoying, it'd be nice to have a large sticky of the 'problem' list, the severity, and the cause. and potential (or planned by GPH or community) fixes.
Why does everyone always dis dreamcast, I guess it's because of some stupid technical reason like it "it had a wooden controler but it's still better than the bbc's at my old primary back in the week
Why does everyone always dis dreamcast, I guess it's because of some stupid technical reason like it "it had a wooden controler but it's still better than the bbc's at my old primary back in the week


I re-read that three times and replaced a few words and still dunno what it says.

However no one dissed dreamcast in the thread that I can see.
Why does everyone always dis dreamcast, I guess it's because of some stupid technical reason like it "it had a wooden controler but it's still better than the bbc's at my old primary back in the week

i still regularly use my dreamcast, sadly under rated and dead before its time i am sad to say (at a commercial level in the uk)
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I don't think anybody's dissing the dreamcast, I for one enjoy playing mine from time to time still. Saying that the GP32 is the dreamcasts little sister is implying that they both are a haven for homebrew and emulators.
I don't think anybody's dissing the dreamcast, I for one enjoy playing mine from time to time still. Saying that the GP32 is the dreamcasts little sister is implying that they both are a haven for homebrew and emulators.

They do kinda have a similar look about them also ;)

Hence, GP32 being little, white, and sorta similar looking, with titties = DC lil sister ;)

Edit: BTW I love the GP32 titties, they are surprisingly ergonomic, more handhelds should have titties! Hmm, this all sounds very wrong :blink:
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