Xbmc Launch Pnds

killall xbmc.bin

Did not kill it :(

How do I know? I removed the quit command from the python script (If we're going to kill it from the shell script it's not needed. So I added the line killall xbmc.bin but xbmc never stops runnin :( It's ontop of picodrive now...

So I carefully navigate to the main menu of xbmc and use the b button to crash it. Then picodrive comes to the foreground (without sound of course) Then when I exit picodrive nothing happens...

Edit: Did anyone notice that there is no > key on the pandora keyboard?
My pandora won't boot :blink:

I just get a login screen but when I log in I just get a login screen ut when I log in I just get a login screen... you get the picture

Guess I gotta reflash :(

Good thing most important stuff is on the SD card... except I'll lose my xcfe4 tweaks/themes :(


Nevermind I got back in :D
HackModford said:
Edit: Did anyone notice that there is no > key on the pandora keyboard?
I thought it was supposed to be in the bottom left.

Put the quit back in the python script and then run the shell script like this (from xbmc):
killall xbmc
sleep 1
pnd_run $1
sleep 1
After you close picodrive, a terminal should pop-up. If it does then please run:
ps aux | grep xbmc
to see if xbmc actually closed down or not.
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Ooopss :P

edit: and your command to output something to a file didn't do anything :/
For future experiments, especially if you're trying to get XBMC to act as a new gui, you may want to start booting from SD. In the event you totally bork something in your testing, you can easily just pop it out and fall back to default image which you can then use to fix whatever you broke in you SD image.
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No terminal came up :(

Edit: The only thing I can think to try is to start gpSP with the launcher and then try starting xbmc with the script (like we think it should work)

who knows... it may just be a weird thing with picodrive
HackModford said:
No terminal came up :(
And it does if you launch it directly from the shell right? This is getting weird.

I just tried launching xbmc while it was already running and it just launched a second instance (I don't see why this would be different on the Pandora).

It seems like anything after run_pnd does not start whenever we launch from xbmc. Could it be that run_pnd does something strange? Seems unlikely, but it wouldn't hurt to test.
killall xbmc
sleep 1
sleep 1
This should start a terminal. Logout from this (Control+D or exit) and then it should open another.
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I do not get a terminal :(

Just restarts to minimenu

I removed the killall xbmc and tested it in the file mangager and it indeed does work (I don't think the kllall xbmc has anything to do with it)

Just tried it in xbmc and it failed :(
Could it be that minimenu is seeing the PID of xbmc close and trying to launching itself in the background and covering everything else up? Jus' sayin'
No... in my launcher script I have it set to XBMC.Quit
And they way I think I know it actually has quit is when I quit the app that has run I go straight back to minimenu, not some minimized version of xbmc.
HackModford said:
No... in my launcher script I have it set to XBMC.Quit
And they way I think I know it actually has quit is when I quit the app that has run I go straight back to minimenu, not some minimized version of xbmc.
Oh :(
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I wish Notaz could help... but he's busy and I don't want to bother him...

I think the way this is going to work is if we can setup xbmc as a gui... that way the pandora will know "oh I gotta relaunch xbmc because it's the gui and nothing is running right now"

I bet that would fix it...

Problem is it seems I can't get xbmc to launch... maybe I can launch the shellscript...
When you wrote this post, you said that after closing picodrive the script would launch another application but not xbmc.

If you chose to launch xbmc at that point what happened? Did it go back to minimenu as well?

What setup were you using there? I think we were closest at that point.

Can you post your current script (launcher plugin script and shell script)? We're missing something obvious.
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I could put some other app (like gpSP.pnd) as the app to launch when the first one closed and it would work fine

If I put xbmc nothing would happen and I would have to press the pnd button to go back to minimenu

I've changed my scripts since then I'm sure...

Right now I actually managed to boot xbmc as a different gui... but it stops at the xbmc logo.

Now when I launch xbmc from minimenu this happens to me but I always press the pnd button to fix it..

When I launch from desktop mode I do not have this problem.
HackModford said:
I could put some other app (like gpSP.pnd) as the app to launch when the first one closed and it would work fine

If I put xbmc nothing would happen and I would have to press the pnd button to go back to minimenu
This strongly sounds as if xbmc was being opened minimized at that point (it certainly maintains that state here for me).

I've changed my scripts since then I'm sure...
Adventure game reference: Now all you need to do is restore your game and...RESTORE what game? ;)

Right now I actually managed to boot xbmc as a different gui... but it stops at the xbmc logo.
Maybe you need to launch it with xbmc --standalone? According to the documentation it should run xbmc in a stand alone environment without a window manager and supporting applications. I don't know exactly what it does with this flag, but it's worth a try.

Hey, now I'm guessing as well :D
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Ok. I'm trying this freshly from the start. This is what should work according to my expectations.

- backup your changes
- restore original unmodified launcher script
- create launcher script (e.g. xbmc-launcher.sh, don't forget chmod +x)
killall xbmc
sleep 1
pnd_run $1
sleep 1
pnd_run /media/PANDORASD/pandora/desktop/xbmc.pnd
- Start xbmc
- Go to Programs-> Program plugins -> Launcher
- press c -> Add new Launcher -> File launcher (e.g. game emulator). Don't select standalone launcher.
- Select application to launch: browse to xbmc-launcher.sh (or whatever you called it)
- Application arguments -> leave empty
- Select files path -> Select path where you store some pnds
- Filter: pnd
- title: PND Launcher (or whatever)

If opening PND Launcher crashes XMBC (It does for me, doesn't matter at this time)
- highlight "PND Launcher"
- c -> Manually add file -> select a PND to run (e.g. picodrive.pnd)

Open "PND Launcher" and then PND file if it starts picodrive then check sound and verify if terminating picodrive restarts xbmc.

In case XBMC does not even close:
os.system("\"%s\" %s \"%s\"" % (launcher["application"], launcher["args"], rom["filename"]))
os.system("%s\" %s \"%s\" &" % (launcher["application"], launcher["args"], rom["filename"]))
and try again.
Note, this change is in: _run_rom, not in def _run_launcher. So around line 283

Please report what works and what does not. If this works properly then I have enough info to develop a custom PND launcher from scratch.