What Happened To Chip?

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quartercast said:
I was hesitant for that reason (not that my opinion makes much difference), but I don't think Guruso was. Were you, Guruso? You were just being your humble self :D
I was a little hesitant, only because I felt it was something for the software & hardware gurus. You know, smart people. Once EvilDragon clarified the purpose of it, I was happy. :)

At the end of the day a guru badge is just a pretty sticker, it doesn't come with any responsibilities. Taking on a mod role does though. You're volunteering your time to help hold the fort, and (on any forum) you risk getting into silly politics if your actions upset someone. And I'm not just alluding to the "we're moving" thing here. Examples include WarmFluffyUK being accused of having a conflict of interest recently, because she was providing information in English direct from GPH. Ridiculous! Pandora team members on the mod team have copped that quite a bit too. Props to them for the work they do... they can have it. :D
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Gruso said:
...WarmFluffyUK being accused of having a conflict of interest recently, because she was providing information in English direct from GPH.

I stand by what I said. Posting promotional talk in the *News* forum isn't completely right, when it is marketing talk or opinion:

"...This is very much the start of the new direction GPH are taking"

"...Tony is doing his upmost to help us make the Wiz a very exciting machine indeed."

One is a marketing quote from GPH, the other is an opinion by a mod (known to be a supporter of GPH) , both in the post in the News section. I hardly see an objectiveness in that. I stand by my criticism. That wasn't a translation for informational purposes, it was an op ed piece, placed in the news section. Hence the conflict of interests.
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Gruso said:
And that's why I'm happy not to be a moderator. ^_^

I'm sorry then if I took your post wrongly, it just seemed to reference mine in a way that seemed invalidating. I have the upmost respect for your posts, they are never assuming, just presenting things as they have been posted. I strive for that also, if less cordial than you. I only want to present facts.
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hmm i think we should lock this before it becomes awkward? no need to drag up the past, and its good to know he is still about.

mmm sobreity
BackAssward said:
Gruso said:
And that's why I'm happy not to be a moderator. ^_^

I'm sorry then if I took your post wrongly, it just seemed to reference mine in a way that seemed invalidating. I have the upmost respect for your posts, they are never assuming, just presenting things as they have been posted. I strive for that also, if less cordial than you. I only want to present facts.
No harm, no foul!

[edit] But yeah, RenegadeChic is probably right. The question has been asked and anwsered. Chip has not left the building... or our hearts. :P
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Gruso said:
BackAssward said:
Gruso said:
And that's why I'm happy not to be a moderator. ^_^

I'm sorry then if I took your post wrongly, it just seemed to reference mine in a way that seemed invalidating. I have the upmost respect for your posts, they are never assuming, just presenting things as they have been posted. I strive for that also, if less cordial than you. I only want to present facts.
No harm, no foul!

[edit] But yeah, RenegadeChic is probably right. The question has been asked and answered. Chip has not left the building... or our hearts. :P
Very true, I agree, this thread has been answered. And our conversation was off topic.

This has been resolved, it should be closed.

If Chip wants to add, he can, as he sees fit.
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