I agree, Gruso. I can foresee a lot of problems with synchronization, with one place having updated files while another does not, and so on.
I think there needs to be either:
A) a centralized uploading service, so that when someone uploads (or updates) a file, it gets added to the queue of
all these sites.
or B ) some sort of user-oriented website which will scan these different sites, ignore duplicate files, and combine everything in one place, so that people can go to it and be sure that they're seeing
everything that can be downloaded.
I don't know about The Box, but these are my views on the pros and cons of Pandora Apps and the Pandora File Archive:
Pandora Apps
-Pandora-friendly resolution
-good comment & rating system
-new "detailed information" tab for reading readmes before downloading file
-non-free apps allowed
-fewer programs available; more restrictive for uploaders
-few categories (so far - don't know how expandable it is... this might not be a CON)
-no list for "most downloaded apps"
Pandora File Archive:
-more programs available; less restrictive for uploaders
-more categories (although maybe too many... this might not be a PRO)
-looks bad at Pandora's default resolution
-no paid programs allowed
-no rating system (only # of downloads)
Gruso said:
Note that my thoughts above only apply to the three file archives. There will always be devs who choose not to use those facilities (zx-81 uses his own site, DJWillis uses his site for betas, etc etc), for the purposes of this discussion they get a free pass.
I think that the file archives should still list these somewhere, maybe in a special section - at least give a link to where they can be downloaded like the File Archive does for Giana Sisters (because they don't allow their game to be hosted anywhere else).