Which Browser Do You Mostly Use On Your Pandora?

Which browser do you mostly use on your Pandora?

  • Arora

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Chromium

    Votes: 10 16.7%
  • Fennec

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Firefox

    Votes: 30 50.0%
  • Jumanji

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • Lightweight2

    Votes: 5 8.3%
  • Links2

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Lynx

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Midori

    Votes: 8 13.3%
  • NetSurf

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • OTHER (specify in comment)

    Votes: 1 1.7%

  • Total voters


Mar 5, 2003
Toronto, Canada
Based on the software list on the Pandorawiki, there are currently 10 web browsers released for the Pandora (including Midori, which is the default one in the OS). Some of them have several versions (such as the "Dev/beta" releases of Firefox and Chromium), but I'm counting them as one item for this poll.

The browsers we have go in a range from full-featured but slow (i.e. Firefox, which even has Flash support), to minimally-featured but fast (I guess this would be Lynx, which shows only text). Most are somewhere in between; the popular Lightweight2, NetSurf, and the rather obscure Jumanji (which was only announced on the German forum).

The browser I use mostly is Links2, which has really convenient controls and is almost as quick as Lynx, but supports some more advanced things such as images, tables and SSL. Most websites, even forums, are quite usable; for the remainder, I use either Lightweight2, NetSurf or Firefox (which is rather slow, but it does have Flash and it allows me to choose a download directory unlike Lightweight2, NetSurf or Chromium). EDIT: The new version of Lightweight2 now supports download directories.

For Youtube, I open the links in another browser and copy+paste the URL into Minitube. Firefox can play Youtube videos, but poorly.

Here are the download links to all the browsers:

Arora Chromium 4 Chromium-Dev v10.0.642.1 Fennec 4.0b3 Fennec 3.6.3 Firefox 3.6.10 Firefox 3.6.13 Firefox 4.0b10 Jumanji Lightweight2 Links2 Lynx v2.8.7 Midori 0.3.3-1 NetSurf
I tend to use Firefox because my Pandora doesn't connect well enough for web browsing with anything less than a full set of bars for connection and that means in my room. Now that I'm at college, I may spend more time with Links2 as it sounds more practical (and as soon as it lets me pick a DL directory it will serve nicely for general purpose web browsing).
Korlithiel said:
I tend to use Firefox because my Pandora doesn't connect well enough for web browsing with anything less than a full set of bars for connection and that means in my room. Now that I'm at college, I may spend more time with Links2 as it sounds more practical (and as soon as it lets me pick a DL directory it will serve nicely for general purpose web browsing).
Oops, I forgot to mention that. Look here for how to configure a download directory in Links2.

You will by default find your downloads in the "/appdata/links/"-directory on your SD-Card. But in this directory, there's also a (hidden) directory called ".links", and in that directory you will find the file "links.cfg" (maybe you first have to save the options once). In this file, there's a parameter called "download_dir". It's persistent, e.g. saving options does not alter it. Edit it to your liking. For example: download_dir "/media/YOUR_SD_CARD_NAME/path/to/your/downloads/"

Firefox is too slow for me even at full speed in my room, so I don't like to use it any more than necessary (it works quickly on my main computer, but not on my Pandora).
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None of the above. I am currently loving Conkeror as a browser on the Pandora. I've been working on a way to package the whole deal up for public consumption. It really is a niche browser though so I doubt many other people would like it.
Conkeror is a keyboard-oriented, highly-customizable, highly-extensible web browser based on Mozilla XULRunner, written mainly in JavaScript, and inspired by exceptional software such as Emacs and vi. Conkeror features a sophisticated keyboard system, allowing users to run commands and interact with content in powerful and novel ways. It is self-documenting, featuring a powerful interactive help system.
mindlord said:
None of the above. I am currently loving Conkeror as a browser on the Pandora. I've been working on a way to package the whole deal up for public consumption. It really is a niche browser though so I doubt many other people would like it.
Ok, I added an "other" option. Sounds a little bit similar to Jumanji, actually (I still haven't figured out where the "back" button is in that).

meandu229 said:
I use chrome if I wanna quickly find something but it crashes easily but is quick to start/surf for longer sessions I use firefox as it seems very stable and just works,

I've actually had Firefox crash on me a number of times (typically happens when I try using it to post in a message board - something about typing and copy-pasting seems to overload its memory and it slows down to a crawl). Chromium is faster than Firefox, but it's not the fastest or most reliable browser you can get on the Pandora now, either. Which other ones have you tried?

I notice one person voted for "Midori". It actually seems to be a decent browser elsewhere, but the version on the Pandora has a habit of randomly exiting. I don't know how anyone can really use it as a primary browser in its current state.
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I currently use Firefox on my Pandora, but to be honest, once the Nintendo 3DS system update in May adds the 3DS' browser (which I've heard is apparently based on NetFront), I'll probably switch over to that until the browser situation at large on the Pandora stabilises a bit.
slaeshjag said:
Midori now that the rendering errors are gone. Dunno if it still as crashy, I did browse the boards for a good hour without a crash.
Were some rendering errors fixed in HF5? I just tried Midori yesterday (using HF5) and it crashed within a minute. I was browsing Google News at the time, I think.
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Esn said:
slaeshjag said:
Midori now that the rendering errors are gone. Dunno if it still as crashy, I did browse the boards for a good hour without a crash.
Were some rendering errors fixed in HF5? I just tried Midori yesterday (using HF5) and it crashed within a minute. I was browsing Google News at the time, I think.

This PND seems to make midori work ok. It's just a bunch of deb-libs, and a script telling midori to use them instead of the ones on NAND.
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The Midori development has changed my mind - I'll probably use Midori now, rather than wait on the 3DS browser update. :P
II am using Arora the most, it is very stable and don`t loses connection.
The speed is also quite satisfying once it has started up when compared to the stableness...
II had that wierd problem with chromium, it showed up in theruning apps section even after it was closed or after I heavily tried to kill it.
Sometimes for quick browsing I use Midori, crashes sometimes but is really fast.
Inspired by the midori.pnd and midori-0.3.3.pnd from slaeshjag I made dirty jumanji update with debian libs too to fix the pandora Angstrom webkit. so you have better rendering an follow link option works.

binaries for nand:
/edit deleted, because zip packages destroy symlinks



if you place the configs correctly, follow link option works and you get a wiki page with control keys

my fault i zipped the binaries, thought it is a feature for windows users
The latest version of Midori (0.3.3-1, linked on the wiki and in the first post) has actually been made even more usable, and the stuff at the top takes up very little room. Seems like a great browser now.

But thanks for your work b3w; I'll definitely download the new Jumanji PND and try it out. Seems like a neat browser, the previous version was just rather confusing for me. By the way, why don't you guys from the German forums upload your programs onto milkshake's repo? It would make it easier for us to keep track of them, and also with Tempel's PNDStore, people will be automatically notified of any updates you make to the program. :)
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Esn said:
The latest version of Midori (0.3.3-1, linked on the wiki and in the first post) has actually been made even more usable, and the stuff at the top takes up very little room. Seems like a great browser now.

But thanks for your work b3w; I'll definitely download the new Jumanji PND and try it out. Seems like a neat browser, the previous version was just rather confusing for me. By the way, why don't you guys from the German forums upload your programs onto milkshake's repo? It would make it easier for us to keep track of them, and also with Tempel's PNDStore, people will be automatically notified of any updates you make to the program. :)

Because I think milkshake's repo is the best place to publish PNDs at the moment. Great work. I am not a developer and I am not the guy who placed jumanji on openpandora Appstore, pandora Wiki and seperate download link in pandora Wiki.

I compiled old jumanji with sebt3 crosscompiler toolchain and made pnd without having a pandora. Posting om gp2x.de was the easiest way, because I have an account there.

In my Opinion jumanji will be ready for milkshake's repo, when problems with firmware and webkit are fixed.

Maybe someone can help me to handle the run.sh inside new pnd that every starts inside the pnd system (jumanji.rc,hints.js...) without editing the jumani sources. Maybe some fixes in PND system are needed too. Then READMEs are needed and nobody becomes confused like you with the old file. It is not the fault of the real jumanji developer.
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