What are you playing this weekend/these days?

Somewhat political video ahead. It is of concern to people who like (to call other people) ninjas.

It's not so much the list of stuff that you can't say I would have a problem with, but the list of things you have to say.
Lets see how this develops during the new US government.
I have no idea how they got there officer.

I just completed Dishonored on PS3. Excellent game. Stealthy immersive sim. Takes place in Black Death-era London basically in the dodgy part of town by the water. Exactly where I live... Things haven't really changed much tbh. More polished and stylized than Half Life 2 which I recently played, but equally unpleasant environment. I don't like zombies / bloody disgusting things. I want to play a happier game next. 9/10

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I just completed Dishonored on PS3. Excellent game. Stealthy immersive sim. Takes place in Black Death-era London basically in the dodgy part of town by the water. Exactly where I live... Things haven't really changed much tbh. More polished and stylized than Half Life 2 which I recently played, but equally unpleasant environment. I don't like zombies / bloody disgusting things. I want to play a happier game next. 9/10

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Worked on (including HL2) by the art director Viktor Antonov, who sadly passed away this week.
Oh no RIP. Same artist as HL2 / I should have guessed. I'm playing Dishonored again, just got good at the controls at the end.
Finished Wasteland 3. Played because it looked similar to X-COM and enjoyed it a lot. Dialogues were well written and spoken. Often quite out there, which I did not expect not having played the other games in the series. Made me chuckle and laugh quite a few times. Music was good - there were even a few (licensed?) tracks with vocals, but fitting. Moral decisions left and right. Gets the old noggin going, just like the mechanics and skill combinations. In the end you get a nice country song about how you dealt with your quest, plus some drawings and notes about how the characters or factions fared afterwards as result of your choices. Two thumbs up!
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I played the hell out of Cyberpunk 2077 and the expansion, now oddly I'm playing the original Borderlands game again, it's been a long while, not since Borderlands 2 came out.
On GBA, it is different to find the W3D Level because one has been spliced into two (Industrial Zone I think).
Always, by the time I get through these two, I forget to look for that bonus Level ;)
There is also one more, Level 31, which has escaped me so far
Just finished Hob. Decent exploration/light combat game. There are a few abilities to find and unlock to help you along. Interesting world & presentation, but there's no real lore to dive into since the game doesn't use words. There's not much character interaction. No brain teasers apart from "how do i get around to that?". You can fight an optional final boss, a welcome combat challenge. Not sure who I would recommend this to.

Edit: There's a new demo of Gothic 1 remake called "Nyras Prologue". It's not unlikely that this is only availble for a limited time. This one's different from the demo released a few years ago. E.g. the combat system is much closer to the original game.
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