What are you playing this weekend/these days?

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia on DraStic.
It has varied levels and focuses more on classic platforming and enemy pattern learning of older castlevanias rather than on exploration/unlocking stuff, which I appreciate. There's still XP, stuff to collect and a few areas where you can't go until you've found an item, but the impact is much more minimal than in SotN or other similar games. It doesn't match SotN in the overall audiovisual atmosphere, but it holds pretty well on its own.

The game has many different weapons which is interesting but the problem is that enemies have different resistances and weaknesses, so you spend a lot of time just switching weapons to match the enemy you're currently fighting, and the weapons switching mechanism is a bit cumbersome. This is especially infuriating when you have to switch between two weapons that are identical expect for their damage type. This doesn't bring anything to the game except tedium.

So far it's enjoyable, but not memorable.

I finished it, and it turns out it gets much better once you enter Dracula's Castle (about halfway in the game). Many things start to become much more consistent, there is a bit more of area/stuff unlocking that's pretty well handled. The weapon switching can still be a chore (especially for bosses where you have to try dozens of weapons before finding which ones are best for the job) but it's also nice to get to find a good combination or to specialize with a specific set of weapons.

It handles difficulty far better than SotN did. Even if you have XP and abilities/weapons you unlock, you're always challenged by new areas (and bosses) while you can travel through old areas in a breeze.

So all in all a very good game.
Just bought Thea: The Awakening for Switch, but something's wrong. The game's actually playable for me, with me being able to accomplish plenty of things and see lots of story. Clearly they dumbed it down for the Switch release, because when I last played the Steam demo, this game was Banished level inaccessible. How dare they!

Edit: Survived over 200 turns my first game, earning enough points to unlock the first god's second power. Woooo, progress.
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I've been working on a project for the last couple weeks that is part retro Z80 build, part 8-bit CS crash course, part historical reenactment. I finally made enough progress to post on the RC2014 google group. You can follow along here if you like.
Deponia (Nintendo Switch)
A pretty cool Comic Point and Click Adventure from the German Studio Deadalic, who also made Edna and Harvey, a bit like Monkey Island..

Spintires American Wilds (Nintendo Switch)
Made the first USA Map, was a bit divicult at some points because the USA Trucks arend that Offroad Capable than the Russian Trucks, also they included some Trucks in the DLC that ditnt even have Four Wheel Drive, but i found a Truck whit 4WD so i used this to delivered the Wood ..
On the USA Maps, there are more Streets, but thy feel quite wyrd because the Game Engine is more capable to simulate Mud then Streets..
Virtua Racing on the Switch. A wonderful port, better than previous conversions and even better than the arcade version.
Because I have a new Garden Deck Chair, I decide to play a bit Handheld in Garden:
First some Spintires American Wilds whit the Free Old Days DLC on the Switch,
Ditnt came far, but made my Second Map, , it’s a bit difficult to see if your out in the sunlight but it’s not impossible..
and then, I trow my Good Old Pandora of my Pockets, and played some Retrogames:
Ssome Castlevania on the NES Emulator, and then some Giana Sisters SE on UAE For All, which was this Hack from Giana Sisters whit the Sprites of the DS Game :)
Crono Trigger (DS) Was one of the 2 Games i wanted some yeahrs ago, but ditnt found a good deal unfortunly, the other game was Giana Sisters DS i bought some yeahrs ago..

Just like Final Fantasy VII, : Sah this for about 20 € when i bought my PS2 but wasnt interest because i just bought Final Fantasy X, and when VII became interesting for me, it was too expensive..
Whyle i waitet for Pandora, i found it finaly for 20 - 30 € ..
And now there is the Port for Switch..
Tesla vs Lovecraft (because that name alone ...)
I finished that recently.
My mistake was, that I waited buying the "DLC" until I was already finished.
The problem with that is, that the DLC adds weapons, perks, etc... that should have been in there in the first place and no new levels, so buying it afterwards is useless, it should be part of the base package and is quite a cash grab. It also makes the game easier though since many of the additions are really useful.
The game is really fun, but that "pay for cut content" crap was just bollocks and sours the whole impression a bit.
Sounds to me the way you've played it you obviated the need for the DLC. Strikes me that if you can do it without the game breaking make-easy DLC then you've won the battle.
One can also see it that way, yes.